If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Ever wonder how fast time flies? It has been 1,461 days since September 2020, two months prior to “Election Day” that year.

As a Star Trek fan I remember an episode of The Next Generation wherein Commander Data, who is an android with a very accurate internal chronometer, was trying to judge time perception by watching a tea kettle boil. It took the exact same time no matter how many times he watched it boil. His ‘boss,’ Commander Riker, comments that people do not have accurate internal chronometers. Data turns his off, and suddenly the perception of time changes. The watched pot seems to take longer to boil. (Season 6, Episode 25, Timescape)

Of course, we are only two months from our next national election. I do encourage everyone to vote. While some say it is useless or a waste of time, I cannot help but hear the voices of my father, grandfather, and godfather who served in WWI, WWII, and as a Police Officer as they would discuss public duty and our right to a voice and vote (also so important in the life of our Holy Church). I remember going to the voting booth, a literal building towed into our neighborhood, painted an odd green, with a huge metal machine  that contained voting levers. Family set an important example of responsibility and the repeated adage, don’t worry about Party, vote for the best person.

Exercising our rights is important, but not more important than one key element of our life – what we do with our time. Romans 12:18 reminds us that being peacemakers in a world of conflict, drawing people to live at peace with others, is an essential mission for those who follow Christ. While we can’t control others’ actions, we can choose our responses. We must be about offering olive branches rather than throwing stones, listening more than speaking, and choosing forgiveness over resentment. Over the time ahead and beyond let’s commit to being peacemakers wherever we are by intentionally bringing Christ’s love into relationships through our words, actions, and attitudes. 

September is here and there is so much going on this month. We celebrate the Solemnity of Brotherly Love (9/8), continue our Daily Bread Food pantry partnership (every Monday from 3 until 6pm.), welcome all on Back to Church Sunday (9/15), recap summer’s events, look forward to the months ahead and the 2025 Mission and Evangelism Conference, and reflect on next year’s celebration of the 1,700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Join us in commemorating the 23rd Anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01. Most of all we pray for true peace and concord particularly in our own actions and responses. You can also get tickets for our Christmas Vigil Raffle. All that and more in our September 2024 newsletter.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

I have a box. For those who get to church early enough or stay late enough, for the past two years you have seen me walking in and out of church with an old broken down box. The box is my briefcase of sorts. My family often comments: Why don’t you get rid of that old box and just get a briefcase? I don’t say much. I like my box.

This month’s scripture, taken from Matthew 6:33 reminds us of priorities – what comes first, what is most important: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

The box is a reminder to me of what we are celebrating this year, and in a special way how we will begin the month of October. One-hundred years ago people in Schenectady packed bags and boxes. They did not have much. They tread on foot to the corner of Raymond and Van Vranken to build a new church. This would be a church providing them the freedom to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Not long before this momentous event in 1921, these very same people packed boxes and bags and trunks to emigrate to the United States. They sought a better life and the opportunity to add good things to their lives – the dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What is worthy of not just celebration, but also emulation, is that these founders did not separate or compartmentalize seeking the kingdom, righteousness, and a better life. They saw them as God’s way-of-life. They listened to what St. James pointed out: Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God (James 1:17). As we celebrate the centennial of our wonderful parish, as we reflect on the good gifts we have received, let us remember those bags, boxes, and trunks. Let us recall that the search for truth and the achievement of victory took work and struggle. Most importantly, may we too live seeking what is important first, and all these things will be added to us.

Welcome to our September 2021 Newsletter. We are one-month away from our grand centennial celebration and September holds a wide variety of worship events leading up to this momentous occasion. Check out the October 1st through 3rd centennial schedule. In September we celebrate Labor Day, Brotherly Love Sunday, and Back to Church Sunday (who will you invite?). We commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001. We reflect on our summer events and the great things accomplished in our parish, including astounding generosity. Ready for coffee hour? It’s back starting September 12th. Ready for daily Holy Masses? They are returning to parish life. Pray in advance of our Diocesan Synod and reflect on walking with God and each other.

All that we do, all accomplished, a future filled with hope is by God’s good grace and YOUR love and commitment. Thank you!

Check out all this and more here in our September 2021 Newsletter.