This week’s memory verse: He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. — 2 Corinthians 9:10 

  • 9/8 – Luke 6:38
  • 9/9 – Isaiah 54:2
  • 9/10 – Genesis 26:12
  • 9/11 – Malachi 3:10
  • 9/12 – Job 8:7
  • 9/13 – Ephesians 3:20
  • 9/14 – Romans 13:8-9 

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant me increase, not in things, but in the love I show by the way I respond to Your question in serving You and my brothers and sisters. 

“What is written in the Law? How do you understand it?”

For seven Sundays we journeyed with Jesus and His apostles coming to understand that we receive Him. For the rest of Ordinary Time and the special Solemnities of our Church, Jesus will discuss the practical application of being in Him. How do we do it?

Last week we covered the nature of the Law Israel was to follow. Unfortunately, what Jesus encountered was the Law reduced to a series of dos and don’ts modified with unimportant additions. What was meant to be about Israel’s special relationship with God and with each other had been corrupted.

Jesus tells us that the Law’s true nature is about a community in relationship with God and each other. More importantly for us who receive Jesus, who are in His living presence right now, our way of life must be about growing toward God, having our hearts close to God, and always keeping our worship directed to God.

Today the Law scholar questions Jesus exactly about the way God’s people are to live. What encompasses the nature of relationship with God and others as contained in the Law. After covering the basics and getting the passages right, the scholar asked for more and Jesus responded with one of His more known parables, that of the Good Samaritan.

So, for us today. In just a bit we will offer our sacrifices – which we all give – the bread and the wine. In their offering and the repetition of Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, we will all be pulled into eternity with Christ. We will be in His presence, in heaven, for the briefest of moments. He will return with us providing us His gift of His Body and Blood.

In that moment, and in receiving Him, let us practice asking the same question, ‘What do I do with Him in me? How do I understand and enact Him?’

The response we will get is Jesus repeating His closing words to the scholar: “Go and do likewise.”

We must take Jesus and take up His way of life as we walk the gospel path in our everyday lives. Our receiving Him is an awesome meeting with eternal love, but if we just keep it for ourselves, we fall short.

How to do it, what to take on? There are million plus ways to enact the example of the Good Samaritan. Visit a friend, talk with someone about Jesus, sing a hymn with someone, volunteer, encourage a young person in their journey, console the sick, comfort a mourner.

Like the Samaritan, we will come across the moment we are needed – the Holy Spirit will put it right there. Then answer the question: “What is written in the gospel? How do I understand it?”

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Ever wonder how fast time flies? It has been 1,461 days since September 2020, two months prior to “Election Day” that year.

As a Star Trek fan I remember an episode of The Next Generation wherein Commander Data, who is an android with a very accurate internal chronometer, was trying to judge time perception by watching a tea kettle boil. It took the exact same time no matter how many times he watched it boil. His ‘boss,’ Commander Riker, comments that people do not have accurate internal chronometers. Data turns his off, and suddenly the perception of time changes. The watched pot seems to take longer to boil. (Season 6, Episode 25, Timescape)

Of course, we are only two months from our next national election. I do encourage everyone to vote. While some say it is useless or a waste of time, I cannot help but hear the voices of my father, grandfather, and godfather who served in WWI, WWII, and as a Police Officer as they would discuss public duty and our right to a voice and vote (also so important in the life of our Holy Church). I remember going to the voting booth, a literal building towed into our neighborhood, painted an odd green, with a huge metal machine  that contained voting levers. Family set an important example of responsibility and the repeated adage, don’t worry about Party, vote for the best person.

Exercising our rights is important, but not more important than one key element of our life – what we do with our time. Romans 12:18 reminds us that being peacemakers in a world of conflict, drawing people to live at peace with others, is an essential mission for those who follow Christ. While we can’t control others’ actions, we can choose our responses. We must be about offering olive branches rather than throwing stones, listening more than speaking, and choosing forgiveness over resentment. Over the time ahead and beyond let’s commit to being peacemakers wherever we are by intentionally bringing Christ’s love into relationships through our words, actions, and attitudes. 

September is here and there is so much going on this month. We celebrate the Solemnity of Brotherly Love (9/8), continue our Daily Bread Food pantry partnership (every Monday from 3 until 6pm.), welcome all on Back to Church Sunday (9/15), recap summer’s events, look forward to the months ahead and the 2025 Mission and Evangelism Conference, and reflect on next year’s celebration of the 1,700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Join us in commemorating the 23rd Anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01. Most of all we pray for true peace and concord particularly in our own actions and responses. You can also get tickets for our Christmas Vigil Raffle. All that and more in our September 2024 newsletter.

This week’s memory verse: For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. — Romans 6:14

  • 9/1 – Romans 10:4
  • 9/2 – Romans 3:31
  • 9/3 – Romans 7:7 
  • 9/4 – John 1:17
  • 9/5 – Galatians 5:18
  • 9/6 – Galatians 3:10
  • 9/7 – 1 John 3:4

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, Grant that I live, work, celebrate, and do all in You. Make me completely Yours, not by dos and don’ts, but by an ongoing relationship with you. Subsume me into You. Amen.

“You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.”

For seven Sundays we journeyed with Jesus and His apostles. Today, and for the rest of Ordinary Time, Jesus will discuss the practical application of being in Him. How do we do it?

In the context of the journey, we discussed the Law of God that Israel was commanded to follow, covering it especially during the past two weeks.

There is a lot to the Law. At a basic level, as we heard from Moses today, the Law set Israel apart from other nations, but it wasn’t quite that simple.

Israel’s Law of social and religious behavior was developed based on the Ten Commandments, spoken by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Ten express the essential religious and moral principles Israel was to follow and put in a nutshell what God revealed to the Israelites about Himself, as well as how they should live in community. From these Ten “Words,” as well as instruction through prophets and priests, Israel developed a detailed system of religious and social communal regulations.

Now, other nations (e.g., the Amorites of Babylon, Assyrians, and others) had codes of laws that predated Israel. In many ways they were similar, and each borrowed from the other.

The differences are in three essential elements. One is the grounding of the codes. Other kingdom’s codes were based on the authority and power of a ruler. Their laws protected the rights of the wealthy and powerful. For Israel, the Law is grounded on communal experience of God. So, although the Law deals with some economic matters, that does not dominate. Rather, at the center of Law is: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of slavery; you shall have no other gods besides me.

Other differences are the way God is to be treated. The Law did not change with the whims of a king but was the baseline against which all were to behave under and toward God. Lastly, other codes had an imbalance. They treated rich and poor, slaves and free differently. They punished the poor severely for minor things.  In the Law, the most severe penalties were applied to offenses against other people, regardless of social rank, or actions which threaten the community and its values. It was Law for all.

The Law reflected Israel’s unique encounter with God. Hearing its corruption, it being reduced to a series of dos and don’ts without any relationship to God, Jesus speaks of the Law’s true nature. It is about a community in relationship with God and each other. Being in Jesus means that together we are to grow toward God, have our hearts close to God, and always keep our worship directed to God, living His way.

This week’s memory verse: He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life — Romans 2:6-7

  • 8/25 – Joshua 24:15
  • 8/26 – Ephesians 2:10
  • 8/27 – Revelation 19:7-9
  • 8/28 – Luke 10:27
  • 8/29 – Proverbs 3:5-6
  • 8/30 – 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • 8/31 – John 3:16

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I pledge myself to You in my entire being. I pledge, that by Your grace, I will hold nothing back. Grant me the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and guidance in all things and the grace to listen to Him. Amen.

As a result of this, many of His disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Him.

We have been on a long journey, from the Apostles being sent to teach and heal throughout Galilee, to looking after those who were like sheep without a shepherd, to the feeding of the thousands, and back to Capernaum where Jesus put it all on the line, where His listeners murmured and grumbled at Him and His words, to this moment where most all left Him.

In the Collect, our Opening Prayer. we heard this verse: ‘Give us the conviction to accept Him completely and follow Him faithfully.’ Will I do this? This is the question the people who had been following Jesus faced. In the end, the people Jesus was speaking to refused the fight that was at hand, the fight to overcome doubt and to trust in what they heard and experienced, what the Holy Spirit was inspiring them to.

Jesus told those around Him: “It is the spirit that gives life… The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe.”

Indeed, that is what happened, those who walked away would not let the Holy Spirit enter and free them. Rather than listen to the Spirit, they were going to hold on to the heavy rocks that held them down, Laws and a lack of true trust in God. They lived by what they could or could not do, never overcoming that state of existence.

We could shake our heads at what they did, their walking away. We could see it as tragic – it was. Yet, for them and all the others who would not follow, Christ died. He died to forgive those sins and so many others. He died to offer them another and another chance.

Brothers and sisters, we all face the choice. Will I wander away, ignoring the Holy Spirit’s voice, refusing to take a chance on faith beyond reason, faith in which I receive the very presence of Jesus within myself?

Perhaps I will stay yet remain in doubt, Jesus couldn’t possibly be all that, but I’m comfortable. Maybe I will revolt, crate my own faith in which I define a god who is really only myself. That’s what Judas did.

Or maybe, just maybe I will go all in. I will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and relish the gifts He endows me with. I will praise God for the freedom He has given me from sin through Jesus and use that freedom for the purpose of building God’s Kingdom right here and now.

In doubt, then look again at today’s corrected gospel verse. The error of our times stopped capitalizing references to God. Seeing it corrected we realize we are His and we must accept the chance we are given to receive and walk with Him. 

This week’s memory verse: For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. — 1 Corinthians 11:26

  • 8/18 – Luke 22:19-20
  • 8/19 – Acts 2:42
  • 8/20 – Revelation 3:20
  • 8/21 – Isaiah 53:5
  • 8/22 – John 17:21
  • 8/23 – 2 Corinthians 6:14
  • 8/24 – Hebrews 10:25

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, In Your Body and Blood I have been freed. Grant that I may use that freedom to do Your will, serving Your Holy Church and all around me. Amen.

“For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent Me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on Me will have life because of Me.”

Remember last week, “The Jews murmured about Jesus.” Jesus had been describing Himself as the Bread that came down from heaven. He said that He will give Himself as a bread that lets us live forever. He also assumed God’s name, I AM. He told His listeners that they must eat His flesh to live forever. Today He goes even deeper.

We said last week that the reaction of the people who followed Jesus to Capernaum made sense. Afterall, Jesus words, claims, and instruction were outstandingly unbelievable, impossible to grasp.

To even better set the situation, the Jewish people then and to this day follow the prescriptions of the Law, the Law overcome by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. 

Observant Jewish people cannot say nor write the word God nor His name YHWH. They cannot consume blood of any type: ‘Moreover you shall eat no blood whatever, whether of fowl or of animal, in any of your dwellings. Whoever eats any blood, that person shall be cut off from his people.’ Leviticus 7: 26-27. Kosher meat is prepared by proper slaughter and the washing, salting, and rinsing of the meat three times to remove all traces of blood.

We can clearly see why Jesus calling Himself I AM and telling the people they are to eat His flesh and drink His blood would cause not only confusion, but anger and disgust.

Yet eat and drink is what we are to do if we want eternal life. That is what we must do if we desire everlasting freedom.

Our freedom comes from the fact that we need not be afraid of God. In Jesus we can approach God, speak His name, take Him within ourselves, and live in His love as one in His body; the fulness of Christ Jesus.

Our freedom comes from the fact that the prescriptions of the Law no longer hold us hostage. Again, we are free in Jesus because He gave Himself completely for us and allows us to partake of Him. The sacrifices of the Law are not needed to atone for sin because Jesus freed us from sin once and for all in His body and blood.

Jesus sets the Eucharistic feast before us. Eucharist means thanksgiving. As we meet Him today in the consecration and eat His body and drink His blood in communion, let us be truly thankful for and celebrate the freedom, fellowship, and life we have in Jesus.

Holy Name of Jesus is a White Ribbon Sponsor for this year’s Altamont Fair running Tuesday, August 13th through Sunday, August 18th. We are underwriting the Chapel at the Fair (near Gate 3 in the Grove).

Holy Mass will be held at the Chapel on Friday, August 16th at 11am. Parish volunteers will be present all day. We have give-aways too.

See you there.