Summer Events for Youth – Acolyte Retreat

“The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve” — Matthew 4:10

The Central Diocese of the PNCC Acolyte Retreat will be held from Tuesday, June 26th (noon) to Friday June 29th (noon) at the download our registration form, healthcare form, schedule, and rules.

Financial support for attendance will be available. You may contact Deacon Jim with any questions. You may also contact the retreat directors Fr. Joseph R. Cyman, Fr. Gregory Mludzik, or Fr. Mariusz Zochowski.

A celebration of ministry and service

Our Pastor, the Rev. Stanley Bilinski, recently celebrated his thirtieth year of ministry in New York’s Capitol Region. On Sunday, November 13th,. the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Stan will be celebrating his final Holy Mass as Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish prior to taking on Pastoral duties at St. Mary’s Polish National Catholic Church in Parma, Ohio.

In celebration of Fr. Stan’s long time ministry in the area and fourteen year pastorship at Holy Name, thanksgiving for his work and service, and to bid him the fondest and most heartfelt of farewells, the Parish will hold a Farewell Breakfast following Holy Mass that morning. It is hoped that current and past parishioners, as well as those who have been blessed through Fr. Stan’s ministry, may come to share in both prayer and this meal.

Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Paul Sobiechowski

On the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, our Holy Church entered into a new reality. The Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski was consecrated to the office of bishop in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church. Bishop elect Paul chose Rev. Stanley Bilinski and Rev. Raymond Drada as his chaplains. The principal consecrator was the Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, Prime Bishop of the PNCC. All bishops of the PNCC, active and retired were co-consecrators. Prime Bishop Mikovsky celebrated the Holy Mass assisted by Rev. Bruce Sleczkowski as deacon and Rev. Gregory MÅ‚udzik as subdeacon of the Mass. The readings and Holy Gospel were proclaimed in English, Polish, and Spanish. As part of the consecration rite, bishop-elect Paul chose to sign the Declaration of Scranton, which was first signed by our organizer, Bishop Francis Hodur, and signed by every bishop candidate ever since. Over 400 faithful participated in the Holy Mass.

Significant not only in its ritual and celebration, the Holy Rite was witnessed by ecumenical clergy from various jurisdictions from around the globe: Bishop TIKHON of the Orthodox Church in America; Most Rev. James C. Timlin, retired bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Scranton diocese; Rt. Rev. Richard W. Lipka, from the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), with whom we have recently sought dialogue; and Abbot-elect Luis A. Gonzalez, OSB, also of ACNA, whom Bishop Paul will witness his installation at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Bartonville, Illinois. These present were significant in showing the viability the PNCC has within the ecumenical world, as well as its place in the community of Christian Churches.

The ritual was performed with the utmost dignity and jubilation. Deacon Konicki was of assistance to the National Liturgical Commission helping in procession and sanctuary logistics.

Following his consecration, Bishop Paul becomes the Diocesan Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese. He plans to be in residence sometime prior to the Christmas holiday.

Please continue to pray for him, his family, and his ministry.

The Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski

By determination of the Prime Bishop, with the concurrence of the Supreme Council, the Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski to the Office of Bishop in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church will take place on the Feast of St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist, Tuesday, October 18th.

Fr. Senior Paul was elected to the Office amidst the work of the Church’s 26th General Synod last fall.

Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski was born in Detroit, Michigan’s East Side. His father was an autoworker and his mother was a homemaker. Fr. Senior Paul spent his formative years at All Saints Polish National Catholic Church. He graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in history and Polish Language, completed his studies at Savonarola Theological Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1979. Father Paul served All Saints Cathedral Parish in Chicago for 4 1/2 years as assistant to Bishop Joseph Zawistowski.

From December 1983 through March 2011 Father Paul served as Administrator of the Bishop Kardas Memorial Home and continues to serve as Pastor of St. Joseph’s Polish National Catholic Church, Davie, Florida. The administrative senior of PNC parishes in Florida, he has served the general church as a member (past chair) of the Commission on Mission and Evangelism and as a member of the Supreme Council. For many years he has been a member of the Liturgical Commission and the PNC/RC Dialogue. He is chair of the PNC/Anglican Dialogue. Additionally, Father Paul has been the chaplain for the Polish Legion of American Veterans (state of Florida) and has coordinated an ecumenical chaplaincy program at a local hospital in South Florida for more than 20 years. Father Paul has embraced the challenges and joys of serving a culturally diverse congregation, preparing and celebrating liturgies in Polish, English, Spanish, and most recently Haitian Creole.

Following his consecration, Bishop Paul becomes the Diocesan Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese of the PNCC. Please continue to pray for him, his family, and his ministry.

June Is Sacred Vocations Month

Each year during the month of June, the PNCC observes Sacred Vocations month. During this month, the Church reminds all of her faithful of the urgent need to pray for the gift of vocations to the Holy Orders. The Church asks all of us to offer special prayers to bless our Church with new vocations.

The purpose of this month of Sacred Vocations is to petition God, the Author of every vocation, to bless our Church with new priests and deacons who are blessed with strong faith, broad vision and solid academic background. PLEASE, PRAY FOR AN INCREASE VOCATIONS TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Those interested should contact Fr. Stan.