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Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

At this year’s Central Diocesan Clergy Retreat we were drawn into a deep discussion on living holy and consecrated lives as bishops, priests, and deacons and our obligation to call our people to holy lives. Our retreat master reminded us that our baptism into the Body of Christ, our regeneration, was not a one- and-done event but rather entry into an ongoing process of relationship to Jesus and His Body, the Church. As Christians we need to be constantly becoming.

An important question to ponder over, to reflect on for a holy life, is whether or not we have really united ourselves with Christ Jesus. Is Jesus our center and our all-in-all or does He take a back seat to other priorities? Worse yet, do we put Jesus in the trunk and only fish Him out when we feel we might need Him. I know He’s back there somewhere… maybe under the blankets…? If we are united with Jesus we work daily at our becoming. Jesus is part of our day, minute-by-minute. If that is so:

  • We pray in all things, before we step out the door, cook, drive, go to work and go home, and eat, and we end all tasks with a prayer of thanksgiving. Moreover, we do not hide that fact. We do not make a show of it of course, but neither do we hide our intentionality. Note – it is especially important for our families to see and participate in this prayer.
  • We worship regularly – at a minimum each Sunday.
  • We commit to the work of the Church and our parish by active participation, for the family of God is the best hangout possible.

Jesus has great expectations of us. If we reflect and find ourselves falling short we can start with this question: Can I invite Jesus to come along with me? If I cannot, I need to discover why and then fix that issue. If I can invite Him, why might I not be doing that in each thing.

Mr. Eddie Gibbs wrote a book, In Name Only: Tackling the Problem of Nominal Christianity. Our call is to be more than a person labeled Christian, but to be so in every way.

Welcome to our September 2023 Newsletter. September opens a whole new season in the life of our parish. There are so many great things coming up..

We reflect on this summer’s activities, prepare for Back-To-Church Sunday, honor all workers on Labor Day at Good Shepherd Cemetery, Remember 9-11-01, and continue to look ahead with eager expectation (who knows – you might be a winner in this year’s Vigil Dinner raffle).

Please join us for the Solemnity of Brotherly Love on September 10th — we are the only Church that has a special day set aside to reflect on and reinforce our obligation to love — and remember to invite and bring someone new to church on September 17th.

Check out all that and more in our September 2023 Newsletter.