The O Antiphons are said before the Magnificat at Vespers in the last seven days of Advent. Each antiphon is a name of Christ, one of his attributes mentioned in Scripture.

O Korzeniu Jessego,
który się wznosisz jako znak dla narodów,
przed Tobą zamilkną królowie,
a ludy będą się modlić do Ciebie,
przyjdź nas wyzwolić
już dłużej nie zwlekaj.

O Root of Jesse,
who stand as a sign for the people,
kings stand silent in your presence,
whom the nations will worship:
come to set us free,
put it off no longer.

A shoot shall spout from the stump of Jesse’s tree. From a nation of no account, in human terms, the Savior shall come to us. From what appears to be a dead nation, a shoot of new life, Life that will redeem all life.

God comes to us in ways and forms that are unexpected. He came to Moses in the burning bush, He wrestled with Jacob, He came in a whisper to Elijah, and as a child in a manger among the outcasts. Jesus the enigma, the God-man whose depths we barely plumb, can only be met in worship, the collective action of a community committed to Him.

Worship is our stance — arguments about kneeling, standing, prostrating notwithstanding. We, king or pauper, can do nothing more or less than worship God our Father, the Son our King, and the Spirit our life. It is the only response we can make. Our words are but senseless groaning before the throne of the King of kings. But he deigns to hear us, to love us, to incorporate us, and to free us.

Come Lord Jesus, put it off no longer. We are waiting.