The O Antiphons are said before the Magnificat at Vespers in the last seven days of Advent. Each antiphon is a name of Christ, one of his attributes mentioned in Scripture.

O Kluczu Dawida
i Berło domu Izraela,
Ty który otwierasz a nikt zamknąć nie zdoła,
zamykasz a nikt nie otworzy,
przyjdź i wyprowadź
z więzienia
człowieka pogrążonego
w cieniu śmierci.

O Key of David,
and scepter of the house of Israel,
you open, and no one shuts,
you shut, and no one opens:
come, and lead the prisoner
from jail,
seated in darkness
and in the shadow of death.

Definitely not literal! How many times do we seek the easy answer, the black and white definition; the answer to our longing, but on our terms?

The Lord asks us to come and follow Him. He opens the narrow path for us, and He can even allow the rich man to pass through the eye of the needle. But, we see no easy answer because we cannot let go of our complexity.

Come follow me is quite easy, but it means leaving ourselves behind. He opens the way — for He is the way. He will, by His grace, close the door to our self-centered desires, our prison, because as we fall into His arms, arms of love, we will never desire anything else. He is the key, the gate, and the door. Lord, help us enter into the sheepfold through You. Lord, be our shepherd.