Lent 2011 was different.
The Triduum this year was different.
Even this morning things are different.
There have been years wherein Easter didn’t click; Easter was just a time to pass through, or pass over, as would use the terminology from this time. Tradition plays a deep part in our reckoning of times that we pass over in our lives. Tradition brought me to a point this Lent, this Triduum, which I’ve never been to before.
This morning, we have a choice before us. Jesus didn’t stay in Gethsemane. He walked through, walked to Calvary, and walked out of the tomb. Our choice is where we want to be this morning: staying in Gethsemane, still waiting by the Cross, or walking with Jesus, yea, even skipping with Jesus through the garden on a day of Resurrection.
Personally, without all of you here this morning, my choice would be more difficult; but because we have walked through Gethsemane, I can’t look back; I want to continue to walk with Jesus through Calvary and from the tomb – the tomb of doubt and worry, the tomb of confusion, the tomb of the unknown. Jesus did it all in three days; I’m not sure how long it will be for each of us. But what I do know is that Jesus will be waiting up ahead, speaking our name, calling to us, and waiting to take us forward, wherever that may be. Whatever path you take from the garden this morning, please believe that Jesus is there waiting for you. There’s no need to look back at the garden; what was done there is done – there are exciting and new adventures ahead. There may be other Gethsemanes, but, hey, once you’ve walked through one, it’s hard not to remember the recipe.
My friends, may His Holy Resurrection give us the power to walk on, to persevere, to apply ourselves to the challenges ahead! Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
Fr. Stan