We would like to offer the following heartfelt THANKS —
- To Bob Dominy and Peter Battaglia – for raking all the leaves from the parish property;
- To Bob Dominy, Pete Battaglia and Mike Dominy – for continuing repairs on the parish carillon;
- To the parish Committee – for a very long and passion-filled monthly meeting last week;
- To the Students of our catechetical and Sunday School classes for gathering on their day off to complete the Christmas craft for this year;
- To the parents of the students would took time to bring them to the church, and to those who stayed to help out in the craft-making;
- To all of you who have brought (or will bring) baked goods for today’s NUYA-inspired Bake Sale for the launching of the ARK;
- To Deborah Bilinski – for all the preparations and coordination of the SOCL project.
All of the above brethren have offered the parish quite a bit blood, sweat and tears for the benefit of us all. Thank you all for your love and concern to our parish!