Bible Study for Ordinary Week 13

  • 6/27 – 7/1 – Romans 1:1-7 – Do I have a zest for life? Where is it grounded? Prayer starter: Help me this day, O Lord, to receive the grace and peace you wish to bestow on me.
  • 6/28 – Romans 1:8-17 – Which experience is the foundational one of your life – faith or fear? Prayer starter: Lord let my heart become fertile ground for that seed of faith today.
  • 6/29 – Romans 1:18-32 – Where is my temptation to despair rooted? My cause for hope? Prayer starter: Help me, Lord to see the possibilities and not the limitations of this day.
  • 6/30 – Romans 2:1-16 – Do I tend to group people into “in” groups and “out” groups? Prayer starter: Come, Holy Spirit, and let the power of your divine wind turn my log into sawdust.
  • 7/1 – Romans 2:17-29 – How Christlike am I when nobody’s looking? Prayer starter: Help me, Holy Spirit, to truly answer the call of discipleship in my life.
  • 7/2 – Romans 3:1-20 – What amazing this happened to me today? Prayer starter: Help me, Jesus, to see the world as you see it – like a bridegroom seeing his bride.
  • 7/3 – Romans 3:21-31 – Who has emptied herself or himself for me? For whom have I emptied myself? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you have given yourself to me. I dedicate myself anew this day to you.

Bible Study for Ordinary Week 12

  • 6/20 – Matthew 18:23-35 – Is there someone I need to forgive but have been unable to do so? Prayer starter: God of mercy, help me to see that in forgiving another I must not focus on what is owed to me, but on how many times you have forgiven me.
  • 6/21 – Luke 13:24-30 – Which important opportunities should I act on today? Prayer starter: My God, your mercy is without end. Do not allow me to presume upon your love but instead act upon the opportunities you offer me.
  • 6/22 – Luke 11:21-22 – Do any evils in our world make me doubt the proclamation of Christ’s victory? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, I believe in your victory over evil. Give me strength to work against what is wrong and free your love in our world.
  • 6/23 – Mark 12:1-11 – Do the injustices of our world paralyze me or motivate me to do something? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, there is much in the world around me contrary to your will. Show me how I can make a difference and build your kingdom of peace.
  • 6/24 – Luke 15:11-32 – What is a greater obstacle to my acceptance of God’s love: my failures or my efforts to do good? Prayer starter: Father, your love is all that counts. Do not allow my faults or my faithlessness to prevent me from being your daughter or son.
  • 6/25 – Matthew 25:31-46 – Do I see my Christian responsibility as extending beyond my private life? Prayer starter: Jesus, my King, I believe that your will is not simply to change me but our world. Help me to better the society in which I live.
  • 6/26 – Matthew 11:16-19 – What parable has touched my heart this month? Will I respond? Prayer starter: Jesus, you used parables to touch human hearts. Touch mine and empower me for your service.

Bible Study for Ordinary Week 11

  • 6/13 – Luke 16:19-31 – Have I ever taken positive action to inform myself on the issues of poverty? Prayer starter: Gracious God, I know that I am blessed. Rather than simply being thankful, allow me to use what you have given me for the good of others.
  • 6/14 – Luke 19:11-27 – When has my life been diminished because I acted out of fear? Prayer starter: God of freedom, help me to see that fear is not my master. Help me to see that the risks you ask me to take are the way to life.
  • 6/15 – Luke 16:1-8 – Have I ever experienced how a quick and shrewd decision can resolve a crisis? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, you guide me through your holy gifts. Allow me to follow your promptings not only by opening my heart but also by using my mind.
  • 6/16 – Matthew 21:28-31 – What flaws in myself have held me back from doing God’s work? Prayer starter: Dear God, I want to serve you perfectly and I will continue to try. Prevent me from using my sins as an excuse to do nothing.
  • 6/17 – Matthew 22:11-14 – Are there areas of my life where I feel I have been negligent? Prayer starter: Lord, I thank you for my faith. Allow me not only to hold on to your gift but to also use it in your service.
  • 6/18 – Matthew 12:43-45 – Do I realize that rejecting evil is not enough, because I must fill my life with acts of love? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, avoiding evil is not the same thing as being an agent of your kingdom. Fill me with your presence and lead me to serve you.
  • 6/19 – Matthew 25:1-13 – Do I recognize that covering for the negligence of another is not real love? Prayer starter: Lord, help me to distinguish loving from enabling. Allow me to see that true love challenges another to grow.

Bible Study for Corpus Christi Week

  • 6/6 – Luke 7:41-43 – When have I experienced the joy of God’s forgiveness? Prayer starter: Lord, save me from discouragement. No matter how seriously I have failed, your forgiveness is possible; your love is my hope.
  • 6/7 – Matthew 13:24-30 – Have I ever been successful in responding to evil with good? Prayer starter: God of mercy, when I am hurt I want to hurt in return. Allow me to believe that resisting revenge will allow you to bless both my enemy and me.
  • 6/8 – Luke 18:1-8 – Have I ever experienced an instance of corruption giving way to the demands of the powerless? Prayer starter: God of hope, it is easy to find examples of evil’s power in our world. Help me to treasure those times when what is just and good triumphs.
  • 6/9 – Luke 10:29-37 – When have I been surprised and even challenged by the way God has answered my prayers? Prayer starter: God, you are my Savior. Even when your ways surprise and test me, allow me to surrender to your love.
  • 6/10 – Matthew 13:44-46 – Do I find myself searching for God or waiting for God to find me? Prayer starter: Loving God, I thank you for the gift of faith. Whether I was looking for that gift or not, allow me to embrace it with all my strength.
  • 6/11 – Luke 12:16-21 – How much does my own lifestyle exceed my need? Prayer starter: Gracious Lord, I thank you for all the gifts you have given me. Do not let me horde my blessings but share them with those who have less.
  • 6/12 – Luke 18:9-14 – Who are the people in my life who shape my relationship with God? Prayer starter: Father, through your Son you saved not only me but also the entire world. As I come to you let me recognize that I cannot leave others behind.

June Is Sacred Vocations Month

Each year during the month of June, the PNCC observes Sacred Vocations month. During this month, the Church reminds all of her faithful of the urgent need to pray for the gift of vocations to the Holy Orders. The Church asks all of us to offer special prayers to bless our Church with new vocations.

The purpose of this month of Sacred Vocations is to petition God, the Author of every vocation, to bless our Church with new priests and deacons who are blessed with strong faith, broad vision and solid academic background. PLEASE, PRAY FOR AN INCREASE VOCATIONS TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Those interested should contact Fr. Stan.

On the faithful reception of the Holy Communion by Thomas à Kempis

When the faithful considers his numerous weaknesses and the grievous temptations which assail him, and recalls that Jesus invites and commands him to receive Holy Communion, he is filled with a holy confidence because he knows that he will receive the necessary help from this Celestial Food.

The frequent and daily reception of Holy Communion withdraws one from evil and comforts one in good, lt is food not only for the strong, but also the weak. It is food necessary to recuperate, conserve, increase and fortify the sanctity of our soul.

Knowing the necessity of preparing ourselves well to receive Holy Communion, let us ask Jesus to give us a lively faith, simplicity of heart, peace, zeal, fervor, confidence and especially humility and love of God. If we receive Holy Communion with these dispositions, our mind will be refreshed and illuminated, and our souls will be enriched with many graces and celestial favors.

Every day Jesus descends upon the altar at the words of the priest. All the faithful are, in a certain sense, priest, because they are members of the mystical Body of Christ and they are participators in offering, in union with the priest, with Jesus Christ and the Church,
the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. Let us unite ourselves to this offering and meditate on the necessity to bear our cross as Christ did.

The best preparation for Holy Communion is to elect Jesus as King of our heart. That is, make Him absolute ruler of us and make ourselves obedient to Him in all and never refuse Him anything.

First Communion Sunday plus Video

Welcome Loryn DonVito, Seth Garrison, Victoria Konicki, and Nylyse Rios into our Eucharistic family.

We gave a warm and joyful welcome to all the families and friends of our First Communion Class who came to join in this festive day. We acknowledged the many miles that have been traveled to our humble parish for all of those who joined in this celebration. We also affirmed your place in the hearts of our young people, as they knew you were present to celebrate this special day with them.

We continued in our fellowship as we assembled in the parish hall following the Mass to partake of some refreshment.

We, as a parish family, also celebrated this day, for we received into our Eucharistic family four of our younger sisters and brother who witnessed with us to the faith of Jesus as we approached the Sacrament of the Altar together.

Please know that you have the love and appreciation of the faith community here at Holy Name.