Åš + P Helen Jakubiak

It has pleased the Lord to call our sister, Åš.P. Helen Jakubiak, home to eternal life … Following a valiant health struggle, our sister Åš.P. Helen answered the call of her Lord and passed on to eternity on Monday of this past week.

A Funeral Holy Mass was celebrated at Lasak & Gigliotti Funeral Home in Albany. Internment was at Albany Rural Cemetery.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Wieczne odpoczynek racz jej dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj jej świeci.
Niech odpoczywajÄ… w pokoju, Amen.

Bible Study for the Second Week of Lent

  • 2/28 – Genesis 29-31,33-35 – How have I seen the tragedy of one generation lead to the hope of another? Prayer starter: God, we know you are the lord of justice who will not fail to address the suffering of your lowly ones. Give courage and comfort especially to those who struggle to hold their families together.
  • 3/1 – Genesis 38 – When have I seen a law broken in order to fulfill the spirit of the law? Prayer starter: Lord, through your son Jesus you revealed that the law of love is bigger than all other laws and commands. Strengthen us to fight for the fulfillment of the great commandment.
  • 3/2 – Exodus 1 – How do I support the cause of life in a culture indifferent towards death? Prayer starter: Source of life, you care for every child near and far. Give us the courage and wisdom to reach across racial lines and national boundaries to care for each other.
  • 3/3 – Exodus 2-4 – What role, significant or insignificant, does ritual activity play in my life? Prayer starter: God of power and mystery, you hold the keys to death and life. Give us the wisdom to choose the way that leads to life, now and in the world to come.
  • 3/4 – Numbers 26:33 & Numbers 27:1-11 – Under what circumstances would I be willing to challenge a law? Prayer starter: God of righteousness, you hear the cry of the poor and will not let anyone be uncounted in the reign to come. Help us to raise our voices for the sake of the voiceless.
  • 3/5 – Joshua 2,6 – Have I ever felt conflicted in my allegiance to God and country? Prayer starter: You are the God of every race and nation, language and people. You are the Lord, and there is no other power to which we owe our highest allegiance.
  • 3/6 – Judges 4,5 – When has a new situation invited me to change the way I think — and act? Prayer starter: You are the God who makes all things new, and you invite us to share in a new creation. When we cling to the safety of familiar ways, give us the grace to let go.

Bible Study for the First Week of Lent

  • 2/21 – Psalm 51 – Do I believe in the liberating and recreating power of God’s forgiveness? Prayer starter: Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. But in your abundant mercy, cleanse me from my sins and teach me your ways in the secret of my heart.
  • 2/22 – Psalm 90 – What is my relationship to time: Do I see time primarily as a gift or as a problem? Prayer starter: We pray, O Lord, that each day of our lives be illuminated by your loving presence and may bring us satisfaction and joy for the work of our hands.
  • 2/23 – Psalm 118 – Am I open to testifying before the community to God’s goodness for the many times he brought me back to life? Prayer starter: We give you thanks, O Lord, for your enduring love and kindness. Save us from the threats of evil and death so that we may enjoy new life and rejoice in your salvation.
  • 2/24 – Psalm 150 – Do I praise God often enough and with heartfelt conviction? Prayer starter: Let me praise you, O Lord, with the music of my life and join in the symphony of praise of creation and of all those who worship you.
  • 2/25 – Genesis 12 & Genesis 18:1-15 – How has a sense of humor proved essential to my spiritual life? Prayer starter: God of joy and laughter, help us not to take ourselves too seriously. Give us the gift of a lighter heart so that we might share the joke and ease the burden of others.
  • 2/26 – Genesis 16 & Genesis 21:1-21 – How does God make use of the missteps I have made in the past? Prayer starter: When we follow the path you set for us, Lord, you guide us with your truth. And when we step off your path, you set about creating a new way for us with your mercy.
  • 2/27 – Genesis 24-27 – How active am I in assisting the divine will, as I understand it? Prayer starter: God of surprises we do not always know you in your many manifestations in this world. Help us to recognize you in the unlikely place and in the preposterous person.

Directed Lenten Denial

Each week of Lent this year, we will be asked to bring in a specific item that is needed for those who have not. Although each week is a different item, you may either “catch up” or plan ahead, whichever is better for you. [Note: for those of you who will need to document your donations, simply list what items you have donated and the list will he verified after the Easter season.]

  • FIRST WEEK OF LENT, (2/21): Pasta products: any type of pasta can be donated; boxed or bagged.
  • SECOND WEEK OF LENT, (2/28): Baby Formula: any type of formula may be offered; ready-made, concentrated, powder, etc. Please be sure is contains iron. Also powdered milk, canned milk, as well.
  • THIRD WEEK OF LENT, (3/7): Baby Food: any type of canned or jarred baby food may be donated for any age group. This donation may include all vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • FOURTH WEEK OF LENT, (3/14): Canned vegetables: any type of canned vegetables may be offered. Soups may be here included.
  • FIFTH WEEK OF LENT, (3/21): Canned fruits: any type of canned fruits may be donated. Fruit sauces are also included here.
  • HOLY WEEK, (3/28): Protein Products: peanut butter, nuts, canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), dried cheeses.

The distribution of donations will be done on Maundy Thursday.

This type of donation schedule will allow us to meet specific needs of those in our community. Any other times than these above listed may also be brought in.

May God bless this Lenten Season.

Census 2010

As we will be receiving the Census 2010 packets in the mail shortly, a suggestion has come from the Polish American Congress: when filling out the census, the PAC would like all Polish-Americans to indicate the same when describing their family unit.

Of course, many ethnic groups represent us in our parish – the same would hold for you. This way a more accurate count of the ethnic heritage in our country would he determined. Thanks!

Great Lent/Wielki Post – Devotion, prayer, sacrifice

This season of intimate reflection and time alone with the Lord comes each year in our faith walk. Within the forty days of this journey, the Church allows for communal prayer time.

The “Stations of the Cross” will be celebrated on Fridays, at 7 pm, to allow those who wish to meditate and reflect upon the sacrifice of our Lord to do so, again with respect to personal schedules.

Please consider adding your devotion to these weekly reflections.

It is the tradition of the Church that Wednesdays and Fridays are days of fasting and abstinence.

May We choose to walk with Jesus these forty days, and may His sacrifice lead us to greater glory with Him.

Bible Study for the Third Pre-Lenten Week

  • 2/14 – Tobit 13 – How can Tobit’s enthusiasm for God be an inspiration for my prayer? Prayer starter: We pray to you, O Lord, for the peace of Jerusalem. Hasten the day in which the city will live up to its name and be the city of peace where all nations concur and worship you.
  • 2/15 – Wisdom 9:1-18 – How can prayer bring me a sense of fulfillment in my labor? Prayer starter: Give me a taste, O Lord, of “the wisdom that come from you” so that I can discern your will and fulfill my vocation in the world you created and entrusted to our human hands.
  • 2/16 – Sirach 36:1-22 – How can prayer help me get involved in working to the advent of a new world of justice and peace? Prayer starter: Lord of history, we are worried about this planet. Give us new signs of hope as we work for the advent of peace and justice for all nations.
  • 2/17 – Psalm 1 – Do I meditate and find delight “day and night” in the Word of God, whether in the Torah or in the Gospel? Prayer starter: Through your word, O Lord, you teach us the way to true humanity and full happiness. Keep us in the joy of your presence and always grateful for your blessings.
  • 2/18 – Psalm 19 – How does the contemplation of creation fit in my experience of God’s revelation? Prayer starter: Let me hear, O Lord, the unspoken words of creation. Let my heart be enlightened and my soul be revived by your Torah.
  • 2/19 – Psalm 23 – In what circumstances of life, joyful or sorrowful, did Psalm 23 speak best to me or for me? Prayer starter: You are the Good Shepherd, O Lord, restoring our souls. You are the generous host who prepares a lavish table and a cup overflowing. Blessed are you at all times.
  • 2/20 – Psalm 34 – To what extent is my enjoyment of life related to me experience of the goodness of God? Prayer starter: You are a God in love with life. Teach us to taste and see your wonderful goodness in the enjoyment of life.

Basket Social — Sunday, March 21st

Holy Name’s 8th Annual Basket Social will take place on Sunday, March 21st at VFW Post 357, 1309 Fifth Avenue, Schenectady NY 12303 (map). Doors will open at noon. Raffle tickets will be available for themed baskets. There are door prizes and Polish food will be available.

This wonderful fellowship event features variously themed “baskets” created by our parishioners. Attendees from far and wide are amazed at the creativity found in the various themes, finding everything from children’s baskets to a baseball, movie, or chocolate lovers’ paradise.
Once again, the Social features a Polish Kitchen headed up by Marianne Weglinski. Marianne highlights a wonderful cross-section of homemade Polish food.

Everyone is welcome to come enjoy the food and have a good time.

For more information call 518-587-0299.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

Bible Study for the Second Pre-Lenten Week

  • 2/7 – Jonah 2:1-9 – Do my prayers reflect the awareness of being God’s beloved creature and child? Prayer starter: We acknowledge you, Lord, as the “God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” Help us to acknowledge that you also made all nations and every human creature and that you care for everyone.
  • 2/8 – Job 7:7-21 – Is prayer a time and place where I can put forward my deepest concerns and greatest fears? Prayer starter: All loving God, you hear all our prayers, even the most desperate and confused. We trust that you will sort them out and being peace and light in our difficult times.
  • 2/9 – Job 10:1-22 – How sensitive am I to people around me who are wearied with life and what am I ready to do for them? Prayer starter: We pray to you, Lord of life, who fashioned every one of us and granted us the breath of life. Remember all those who are wearied and long for happiness and peace of mind in life.
  • 2/10 – Lamentations 5:1-22 – How can I pray and take action, for peace in the world? Prayer starter: Lord, see the disgrace and desolation of entire populations wearied by the plagues of war. Teach us the virtues of dialogue and peace between nations and cultures.
  • 2/11 – Nehemiah 9:5-37 – When asking for God’s forgiveness, do I take enough time to listen to God’s word and to recall God’s blessings? Prayer starter: We give you thanks for the many blessings received from you. We also acknowledge our sinfulness and our failures to live up to the greatness of your love for us.
  • 2/12 – Judith 9:1-14 – On which of God’s attributes do I rely when I pray for ”the forsaken” and “those without hope”? Prayer starter: You are a humble God whose heart is filled with compassion and understanding for the poor and the lowly. Protect them and keep them in your loving kindness.
  • 2/13 – Tobit 3:1-17 – Do I believe in the healing power of prayer? Prayer starter: Lord God, hear the prayer of all those who suffer and forget not those who suffer but cannot find the energy or the words to pray for their healing.