• 7/8 – Joshua 1:6-9 – Father, grant us not just the gift of boldness and courage, but that Your word may be the foundation of that boldness and courage, the source of all our successes.
  • 7/9 – Acts 4:29-31 – Lord Jesus, grant that the boldness given to us may not shrink before worldly challenges, but that we may persevere in proclaiming Your word.
  • 7/10 – Ephesians 6:10 – Lord Jesus, all power and might has been given You by the Father. Grant that we may be bold by our inclusion in Your body, the Holy Church.
  • 7/11 – 1 John 5:14-15 – Lord Jesus, grant that we may be bold in reliance and trust in Your hearing us; Your giving us all we need.
  • 7/12 – James 1:5-8 – Lord Jesus, heal our weakness of faith. Grant us the grace to live as Your saints and disciples in the world, standing strong and bold before all, completely trusting in You.
  • 7/13 – Hebrews 4:16 – Father, we are Your children, we draw close to You in our need, in our wants, in our sufferings. Sooth us with Your love. Grant us the boldness to be confident in Your love for us.
  • 7/14 – John 7:26 – Lord Jesus, You did not hide the Father’s word, but proclaimed it openly without fear. Grant us the faith and boldness to follow Your example. Help us to know that even death holds no fear for those who live in You.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant us the gift of holy boldness so that all may know You.