Bible Study for Ordinary Week 25

  • 9/19 – Luke 12:35-48 – How do I deal with the thought of death? my own? of those I love? What can I do to be ready? Prayer starter: Holy One, it becomes clearer and clearer to me that I cannot live an unconscious existence and find real happiness. Give me the courage to reflect on, and integrate, those aspects of life which I naturally flee.
  • 9/20 – Matthew 5:3 & Isaiah 66:1-4 – Am I more poor in spirit of self-sufficient? Where am I in relation to this in-breaking kingdom? Prayer starter: Spirit of Christ, enable me to grow in this poverty of spirit so that I too, can participate in the building up of a just world.
  • 9/21 – Matthew 5:4-5 – Can I accept this kind of kingdom? How can I “let it in” in my life and world? Prayer starter: Creator God, I love the way your kingdom is coming. It is so silent. So hidden, so humble. Keep me alert so I wont forget its presence among us.
  • 9/22 – Matthew 5:6,7,9,10 – Work for social justice: Do I have any involvement with it? Why? Why not? Prayer starter: Yahweh, your teachings, your “dream” for human life is such a powerful, wonderful one. Show me the way to do my part.
  • 9/23 – Matthew 5:8, Psalm 24:3-6; Psalm 15:1-5 – It’s all about personal integrity. Am I who I appear to be? Transparent to myself? others? God? Prayer starter: Lord, it’s not easy to walk this way. Torah sets a very high standard for human life. But it is a real challenge – help me to measure up.
  • 9/24 – Luke 6:17-26 – These challenges hit close to home for many of us in North America today. What is my attitude toward the material advantages I enjoy? Prayer starter: Father of the poor, I see the need and the justice of using the wealth that I have for the good of others, as I am able. Guide me to those in my community who have the greatest need.
  • 9/25 – Romans 14:1-23 – Do I show this kind of respect and empathy to fellow believers who are less robust than I? Prayer starter: Humble and patient Lord, teach me to see the person of my neighbor before I notice the irksome details, and to remember that I have them too.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 9

Come, O Holy Comforter, and grant me a relish
for heavenly things. Produce in my soul the
fruits of virtue, so that, being filled with all
sweetness and joy in the pursuit of good, I may
attain unto eternal blessedness. As we will
gather tomorrow for the Rite of Confirmation,
allow our confirmation candidates: Celena,
Hannah, Jenna, Mark, Sebesany to feel Your
confirmation within them, and allow Your gifts
to be ever-present in their life.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 8

Come, O Spirit of Wonder, penetrate my inmost
heart, that I may set You, my Lord and God,
before my face forever; and shun all things that
can offend You so that I may be made worthy to
appear before the pure eyes of Your divine
Majesty in the heaven of heavens, where You
live and reign in the unity of the Ever-blessed
Trinity, world without end. Especially allow
our confirmation candidates: Celena, Hannah,
Jenna, Mark, Sebesany to always have wonder
in Your Presence, and allow them to depend on
Your interaction in their life.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 7

Come, O Spirit of Piety, possess my heart;
incline it to a true faith in You, to a holy love of
You my God, that with my whole soul I may
seek You, and find You my best, my truest joy.
Especially give this gift to our confirmation
candidates: Celena, Hannah, Jenna, Mark,
Sebesany. Allow them to stand with holiness in
Your presence.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 6

Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, and make me
understand and despise the emptiness and
nothingness of the world. Give me grace to use
the world only for Your glory and the salvation
of Your creatures. May I always be very faithful
in putting Thy rewards before every earthly gift.
Especially give this gift to our confirmation
candidates: Celena, Hannah, Jenna, Mark,
Sebesany. Allow them to ever more have
complete knowledge of You in their life.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 5

Come, O Spirit of Fortitude, and give courage to
my soul. Make my heart strong in all trials and
in all distress, pouring forth abundantly into it
the gifts of strength, that I may be able to resist
the attacks of the devil. Especially give this gift
of strength to our confirmation candidates:
Celena, Hannah, Jenna, Mark, Sebesany. Allow
them to always be strong within You.

Bible Study for Ordinary Week 24

  • 9/12 – Psalm 119:1– (Your Choice!!!) – People really do become what they eat physically and intellectually. What am I feeding my soul on? Prayer starter: Living One, source of such wonderful insights into the human condition, my condition, open my mind to savor and love by this way of touch.
  • 9/13 – Psalm 32:1-11 – How honest am I with myself? before God? Am I able to admit that I have sinned? Prayer starter: Lord of mercy, wherever I fall or walk away from you, recreate me an upright spirit and let me experience the depth of your kindness.
  • 9/14 – Proverbs 20:7 – Do l model values and behaviors for my children? grandchildren? or do I only preach them? Prayer starter: Creator God, who cares for us all, thank you for the children. Give me the courage to be consistently true to myself in their presence.
  • 9/15 – Sirach 14:1, Sirach 28:18-19 – What does my habitual manner of speaking tell me about what is really in my heart? Prayer starter: Spirit of truth, words have become so cheap. Give me a renewed reverence for their power. Help me to think before I speak.
  • 9/16 – Matthew 13:1-17 – Human selfhood: a wonderful, but solitary, place. Where am I in my journey to it? Prayer starter: Lord, quicken my heart, open my eyes, and unblock my ears so that I do not miss the wonders you are working in this splendid universe.
  • 9/17 – Wisdom 3:13-15, Isaiah 54:1-4, Isaiah 56:3-5 – How do I feel? meaningless without progeny? freed up to be really fruitful in another way? Prayer starter: Dearest Lord, thank you for all the cultural/spiritual fruitfulness in human society – the dedicated artists, intellectuals, skilled craftsmen of all kinds, scientists, explorers, and others whose fecundity enriches people of all ages.
  • 9/18 – Luke 7:1-23 – How do I react when I am faced with evidence that God may not be as I expect, need, or want him to be? Prayer starter: Most Loving God, how extremely different we may be from each other. Yet, you are for each of us just as we are. Thank you!

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 4

Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in
all my ways, that I may always do Thy holy will.
Incline my heart to that which is good, turn it
away from all that is evil, and direct me by the
path of Your commandments to the goal of
eternal life. Especially give your counsel within
our confirmation candidates: Celena, Hannah,
Jenna, Mark, Sebesany. Allow them to always
depend upon this gift.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 3

Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten
my mind, that I may know and believe all the
mysteries of salvation, and may merit at last to
see the eternal light in Your light; and in the
light of glory to have the clear vision of Thee and
the Father and the Son. Especially give this
spirit of understanding to our confirmation
candidates: Celena, Hannah, Jenna, Mark,
Sebesany. Allow them to have this gift in their

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 2

Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, and reveal to my
soul the mysteries of heavenly things, their
exceeding greatness, and power, and beauty.
Teach me to love them above and beyond all the
passing joys and satisfactions of earth. Show me
the way by which I may be able to attain to
them, and possess them, and hold them
hereafter, my own forever. Especially reveal the
mysteries of heavenly things within the souls of
our confirmation candidates: Celena, Hannah,
Jenna, Mark, Sebesany. Allow them to partake
of these mysteries in their life.