• 7/19 – Psalm 80 – What are the signs that God is still a shepherd to his people? Prayer starter: We praise you, Lord, for watching over the needs of your flock. We praise you for sending us your only Son, Jesus, to be the good shepherd seeking out any lost sheep.
  • 7/20 – Psalm 81 – How can we make better use of silent meditation and reflection in our liturgies? Prayer starter: Lord, you deserve to be praised through shouts of joy and music. But may we praise you even more through listening to your voice and abiding by your word.
  • 7/21 – Psalm 83 – When facing adversity and hostility, is my prayer more on the side of vindication or of forgiveness? Prayer starter: Lord, you are a merciful God not only for your people, but also for all nations on earth. Help us to live as disciples of Christ in a true spirit of forgiveness.
  • 7/22 – Psalm 84 – How can we better develop the sense of beauty and wonder in our churches and liturgies? Prayer starter: O living God, you are my joy and my happiness. May your presence always be the light that shines upon my path.
  • 7/23 – Psalm 85 – Which experiences of the past make me trust that God can restore any tribulation into jubilation? Prayer starter: Heavenly Father, through your son Jesus, you have worked wondrous deeds of salvation. May we walk in righteousness and peace to bear fruits worthy of such great salvation.
  • 7/24 – Psalm 86 – Who is the God I am praying to and how do I view my relationship with him? Prayer starter: O merciful and gracious God, I trust that you listen to me every time I cry to you. May I never part away from your ways.
  • 7/25 – Psalm 89 – How does my faith in Jesus as Messiah help me find an answer to the questions raised in this psalm? Prayer starter: Your promises, O Lord, are irrevocable and will never fail. We praise you for sending us Jesus as your anointed and your beloved Son. May we always listen to his voice.