Epiphany Visitations – KolÄ™da – House Blessings

With the celebration of the Solemnity of the Epiphany, Deacon Jim is available to come to your homes for the traditional Epiphany home blessing. Please see him, write, call, or E-mail to make an appointment. Blessing appointments are available through February 12th (prior to Ash Wednesday).

To prepare your home for the blessing please have the blessed chalk and incense available as well as your blessed candle, gromnica.

Lo, the monarchs of the East now
Wend their way to Bethlehem,
There to find the promised Savior,
There with gifts to greet Him
||: In a manger poor and lowly
Lies the precious Savior,
Born to rule the hearts of mankind
In eternal splendor. :||

Kings and Wise Men note the malice
At the Child directed,
Dreadful tidings and great sadness,
Herod’s plot affected.
||: But the fearless monarchs hurry
Forward unto Bethl’em;
As the star leads to the Savior,
Giving hope unto them. :||

Standing there before the mother,
Precious gifts each bearing,
Bowing low before the Savior,
Kings present their off’ring.
||: O what fortune beyond measure
We cannot but envy,
Who will say what we can offer
To the Holy Baby? :||

Epiphany and Home Blessings

The Solemnity of the Epiphany was celebrated on January 6th. On that day we blessed of chalk and incense for use in the blessing of homes. Fr. Adam or Deacon Jim are available to come to your home for the traditional Epiphany home blessing. Please see them to make an appointment. Blessing appointments are available through February 21st (prior to Ash Wednesday).