Bible Study for the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/30 – Revelation 1:4-8 – How could we better appropriate the reading of Revelation not only privately but as a community? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, we long for the day you will come in glory. We acclaim you as our Lord and we say a vibrant and joyful Amen to your coming.
  • 10/31 – Revelation 1:9-20 – Have I been a brother or a sister sharing the affliction and the deliverance of other members of the community? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, when we are going through rough times, help us to keep focused on the radiant light of your resurrection and to find peace and comfort in your presence as the Living One.
  • 11/1 – Revelation 2:1-17 – Who is the Christ you believe in and celebrate in your local church? Prayer starter: Speak, Lord Jesus, so that your Church may grow in the contemplation of Whom you are and may reflect ever more faithfully the light of your resurrection.
  • 11/2 – Revelation 2:18-29 and Revelation 3:1-22 – How does my local church fare in terms of faith, love, hope, and service? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, may you find our church worthy of your praises and willing to accomplish, through your guidance, greater works for the advancement of your kingdom.
  • 11/3 – Revelation 4:1-11 – Do I praise God often enough for the beauty and the goodness of creation? Prayer starter: God, Almighty Creator of all that exists, we worship you and we praise you for the wonders of your creation and for the many ways though which you manifest yourself.
  • 11/4 – Revelation 5:1-14 – Does my belief in the resurrection of Christ make a difference in times when hopelessness threatens? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, we acclaim you as the victorious Lamb and for opening up the seals of Scripture for us.
  • 11/5 – Revelation 6:1-17 – How do I react to monstrous calamities: outrage, resignation, support to victims, supplication to God? Prayer starter: How long, Lord Jesus, are destruction and violence to rage around us? You conquered death and evil through love and non-violence. May your kingdom come through justice.

A celebration of ministry and service

Our Pastor, the Rev. Stanley Bilinski, recently celebrated his thirtieth year of ministry in New York’s Capitol Region. On Sunday, November 13th,. the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Stan will be celebrating his final Holy Mass as Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish prior to taking on Pastoral duties at St. Mary’s Polish National Catholic Church in Parma, Ohio.

In celebration of Fr. Stan’s long time ministry in the area and fourteen year pastorship at Holy Name, thanksgiving for his work and service, and to bid him the fondest and most heartfelt of farewells, the Parish will hold a Farewell Breakfast following Holy Mass that morning. It is hoped that current and past parishioners, as well as those who have been blessed through Fr. Stan’s ministry, may come to share in both prayer and this meal.

Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Paul Sobiechowski

On the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, our Holy Church entered into a new reality. The Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski was consecrated to the office of bishop in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church. Bishop elect Paul chose Rev. Stanley Bilinski and Rev. Raymond Drada as his chaplains. The principal consecrator was the Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, Prime Bishop of the PNCC. All bishops of the PNCC, active and retired were co-consecrators. Prime Bishop Mikovsky celebrated the Holy Mass assisted by Rev. Bruce Sleczkowski as deacon and Rev. Gregory MÅ‚udzik as subdeacon of the Mass. The readings and Holy Gospel were proclaimed in English, Polish, and Spanish. As part of the consecration rite, bishop-elect Paul chose to sign the Declaration of Scranton, which was first signed by our organizer, Bishop Francis Hodur, and signed by every bishop candidate ever since. Over 400 faithful participated in the Holy Mass.

Significant not only in its ritual and celebration, the Holy Rite was witnessed by ecumenical clergy from various jurisdictions from around the globe: Bishop TIKHON of the Orthodox Church in America; Most Rev. James C. Timlin, retired bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Scranton diocese; Rt. Rev. Richard W. Lipka, from the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), with whom we have recently sought dialogue; and Abbot-elect Luis A. Gonzalez, OSB, also of ACNA, whom Bishop Paul will witness his installation at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Bartonville, Illinois. These present were significant in showing the viability the PNCC has within the ecumenical world, as well as its place in the community of Christian Churches.

The ritual was performed with the utmost dignity and jubilation. Deacon Konicki was of assistance to the National Liturgical Commission helping in procession and sanctuary logistics.

Following his consecration, Bishop Paul becomes the Diocesan Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese. He plans to be in residence sometime prior to the Christmas holiday.

Please continue to pray for him, his family, and his ministry.

Bible Study for the 30th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/23 – Luke 2:21 – If God were to name you, what name would he give you? Prayer starter: Creator God, you have called each of us by name; help us to proclaim your praises to everyone.
  • 10/24 – Luke 2:22-27 – How do fasting and prayer help you practice faith and encounter God? Prayer starter: Ever-present God, help me to present myself before you so as to dedicate my life to you.
  • 10/25 – Luke 2:28-35 – Do you know and feel that you have been promised the Holy Spirit? Prayer starter: Gracious God, breathe on me the breath of life. Let me be moved by your Holy Spirit to praise you always.
  • 10/26 – Luke 2:36-38 – When and how have you experienced the consolation of God in your own life? Prayer starter: God of consolation and comfort, console my loved ones and me as we continue our life pilgrimage toward you.
  • 10/27 – Luke 2:39-40 – How has God’s presence in your life helped you to grow? Prayer starter: God, source of all wisdom, help me to grow like the young Jesus in wisdom, knowledge, and grace before you and humankind.
  • 10/28 – Luke 2:41-52 – What or to whom have you surrendered so as to continue your mission from God? Prayer starter: Gracious, compassionate, and loving God, help me always to carry you in my heart and be open to your designs for me and your expectations of me.
  • 10/29 – Luke 2:15-20 – Are you amazed at God’s activity in your life and the lives of your loved ones? Prayer starter: Amazing God, help me always to be awestruck by the wonderful gifts you provide for me. Help me to realize that your grace is always amazing grace.

2011 National United Choirs Scholarship Recipients

We joyfully acknowledged our 2011 NUC scholarship recipients on Heritage Sunday, October 16th. Both recipients contributed their talents to Sunday’s worship. The Parish provided a cake during our coffee hour after Holy Mass in celebration.

Hannah Bilinski – received an endowed Scholarship named for Cecelia Shumlas. Cecelia was an active member of the Choirs, yielding not only through her inspiration, but also through her family many other church musicians and choristers. It was for this familial dedication that an endowed scholarship was named in her memory.

Victoria Konicki – received a Junior Incentive Award. This category is reserved for first time applicants. As her age and proficiency increase, Victoria will be eligible for additional consideration in the general and endowed scholarship categories.

There are other endowed Scholarships, many in honor and/or memory of persons vital to the history of the National United Choirs and music in the Church. There are also specialized scholarships for other disciplines in the sacred music field. Again, as interests in music change or become more defined, there is a scholarship out there waiting to be conferred.

It is through your support on every last Sunday of January that these scholarships are funded. We can now continue to witness how our worthy donations are being used.

May our Lord grant Hannah and Victoria much joy in their musical careers as they use those talents given to them by God for His glory and for use in the Church.

The Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski

By determination of the Prime Bishop, with the concurrence of the Supreme Council, the Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski to the Office of Bishop in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church will take place on the Feast of St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist, Tuesday, October 18th.

Fr. Senior Paul was elected to the Office amidst the work of the Church’s 26th General Synod last fall.

Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski was born in Detroit, Michigan’s East Side. His father was an autoworker and his mother was a homemaker. Fr. Senior Paul spent his formative years at All Saints Polish National Catholic Church. He graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in history and Polish Language, completed his studies at Savonarola Theological Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1979. Father Paul served All Saints Cathedral Parish in Chicago for 4 1/2 years as assistant to Bishop Joseph Zawistowski.

From December 1983 through March 2011 Father Paul served as Administrator of the Bishop Kardas Memorial Home and continues to serve as Pastor of St. Joseph’s Polish National Catholic Church, Davie, Florida. The administrative senior of PNC parishes in Florida, he has served the general church as a member (past chair) of the Commission on Mission and Evangelism and as a member of the Supreme Council. For many years he has been a member of the Liturgical Commission and the PNC/RC Dialogue. He is chair of the PNC/Anglican Dialogue. Additionally, Father Paul has been the chaplain for the Polish Legion of American Veterans (state of Florida) and has coordinated an ecumenical chaplaincy program at a local hospital in South Florida for more than 20 years. Father Paul has embraced the challenges and joys of serving a culturally diverse congregation, preparing and celebrating liturgies in Polish, English, Spanish, and most recently Haitian Creole.

Following his consecration, Bishop Paul becomes the Diocesan Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese of the PNCC. Please continue to pray for him, his family, and his ministry.

Bible Study for the 29th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/16 – Luke 1:51-56 – How, when, where, and in whom have you seen God’s reversals take place? Prayer starter: Holy God, I praise your name. God of awe, I bow before you. God of wonder, give me the ability to wonder about you.
  • 10/17 – Luke 1:57-66 – How do you relate to relatives who always seek the conventional? Prayer starter: Compassionate God, help me to embrace the suffering in my own life and the lives of others with your aid. Help me to realize that your compassion endures forever.
  • 10/18 – Luke 1:67-75 – When have you been visited by God? Do you consider it a blessing? Prayer starter: Gracious God, thank you for remembering and visiting all of your creation and never abandoning any of it. Thank you for entering into covenant with humankind.
  • 10/19 – Luke 1:76-80 – How do you prepare the way for Christ to enter your life and the lives of others? Prayer starter: Lord, you are our light and our salvation. Enlighten our way so as to always be faithful to you. Show us the path of peace.
  • 10/20 – Luke 2:1-7 – How has Jesus fed me at the celebration of the Eucharist? Prayer starter: Saving God, wrap me in you arms of love. Help me to always to feel your embracing presence.
  • 10/21 – Luke 2:8-14 – When have you experienced heaven touching earth? Prayer starter: All praise and honor to you, gracious God, for sending us Jesus in the flesh. May we join the angels in praising you.
  • 10/22 – Luke 2:15-20 – Are you amazed at God’s activity in your life and the lives of your loved ones? Prayer starter: Amazing God, help me always to be awestruck by the wonderful gifts you provide for me. Help me to realize that your grace is always amazing grace.

Prayers for the Solemnity of the Christian Family

In Gratitude for Parents:

I thank you, God in Heaven, for my parents. When morning wakes, when daytime ends, I have the consciousness of loving hands that touch my own, of tender voice and gentleness, of thoughts that cheer and bless!

If sorrow comes to me I know that my parents will talk about the way I go. And, as the shadows fall, I know that I will raise my eyes and know with a Hope that never dies! — to You, the Dearest Parent of All.

A Parent’s Prayer — From A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church:

Merciful Father, who gave me my children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up in the first place for Thee, for Thy Church and this our country, as also to prepare them for everlasting life; assist and help me with Thy heavenly grace, I most humbly beseech and implore Thee, that I may be able to fulfill this sacred duty. Make me gentle, patient, and considerate, yet firm and watchful; teach me both what to give and what to withhold; when to reprove and when to forbear; deliver me from the weakness of indulgence, as also from the excess of severity. Grant, O Gracious Father, that both by word and example I may lead them in the ways of Thy faith, love and wisdom, that as they advance in years, they may grow in grace and true piety, so that in the end, I may with them be admitted to Thy eternal glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Child’s Prayer — From A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church:

Heavenly Father, who gave me my father and mother, and commanded me to love, honor, and obey them in all things; give me Thy grace, I implore Thee, that I may cheerfully and with my whole heart fulfill this Thy law; that I may love them fervently, honor them truly and comply with their wishes. Deliver me, O God, from pride, rebellion, stubborness, and carelessness. Make me diligent in all my duties and studies, patient in all my trials, and humble in Thy presence. Create in me a clean heart and make me strong in Thy faith, that I may grow in grace and wisdom, from day to day, to Thy glory and to the pride and benefit of my dear parents. Through Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

For Families — From A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church:

Our Father, in Whose family all men are children: we remember before Thee all homes broken by separation. We pray for mothers and children separated from each other; for husbands and wives compelled to live apart; and especially for homes from which the husband, son or brother has gone forth to the service. Soften, we pray Thee, these hard blows by the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Be with the lonely. Help them to maintain the links that bind them to those they love. May fellowship in spirit be kept though bodily presence be denied. Teach us all that neither death nor life can separate us from Thy love which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Bible Study for the 28th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/9 – Luke 1:1-4 – How does ordering your life and developing a regimen help you to live better? Prayer starter: Gracious and compassionate God, you who search the hearts minds and souls of everyone, help me to realize that you have called me to love you more closely.
  • 10/10 – Luke 1:5-20 – How do you react to God’s surprises in your life – with doubt or with awe? Prayer starter: God of surprises, you who at times surprise everyone in their lives, help me to develop a sense of wonder about your surprising presence.
  • 10/11 – Luke 1:21-25 – Does God engage in age discrimination? Do you? Prayer starter: Gracious God, you are God to the elderly and to the young. Help me to see your many blessings in everyone regardless of age.
  • 10/12 – Luke 1:26-33 – What does it mean for you to believe God is with you and has blessed and favored you? Prayer starter: Gracious God, help me always to realize that you always go before me, guiding and guarding me. Help me always to follow you, for you are the one who shows me the way.
  • 10/13 – Luke 1:34-58 – Are you ready to be surprised by God the way Mary was? Prayer starter: O God, help me to be attuned to your word and presence in my life. Help me to develop a sense of wonder so I can be open to the surprise you have in store for me.
  • 10/14 – Luke 1:39-45 – Who are the women in my own life who have carried the presence of God to me? Prayer starter: God the creator, you who formed me in my mothers womb, continue to fill me with your holy breath. Help me to realize how you animate me daily.
  • 10/15 – Luke 1:46-50 – How has God shown his might, his holiness, and his mercy to you in your life? Prayer starter: All-powerful, holy, and merciful God, I thank you for your powerful and awesome presence in the world. May I always be a recipient of your endless mercy.