• 10/25 – Revelation 2:18-29 – If I were to write a letter to my church, what accomplishments should be highlighted? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, Son of God, you praised the humble church of Thyatira for the magnitude of faith. Help us to assess the vitality of a church by the depth of faith not by numbers of membership.
  • 10/26 – Revelation 3:14-22 – Which areas of my life would call for more spiritual fervor? Prayer starter: Lord, you have been knocking so often at my door without getting a proper response. Say the word that will touch my heart and heal me.
  • 10/27 – John 20:2-10 & John 21:20-24 – Which aspect of the Beloved Disciple’s testimony about Jesus speaks to me most? Prayer starter: We give you thanks, Lord Jesus, for the testimony of your Beloved disciple. May we enjoy, like him, the depth of your love.
  • 10/28 – John 13:12-20 – How do I fulfill Jesus’ commandment to serve? Prayer starter: Jesus, our Lord and Teacher, may we never forget that there is no better way to follow you than to love and serve one another just as you did.
  • 10/29 – John 15:1-17 – What have been the greatest moments of joy in my journey with Christ? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, your words have brought me true and lasting joy. Keep me in your love and in your joy always.
  • 10/30 – Mark 10:17-31 – What stops me from being generous to the poor and the needy? Prayer starter: When my earthly possessions and concerns keep me away from you, O Lord, give me the strength to let go of them and to follow you.
  • 10/31 – Matthew 28:16-20 – How have I carried out my responsibility to make disciples? Prayer starter: Jesus, O Emmanuel, be with us always and make each of one of us faithful and joyful witnesses of your Resurrection.

The month of October completes our studying of how we do follow Jesus