Audio version
For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet
Welcome as we continue in the forty-day celebration of Christmas.
Today, we are called to reflect on the message and the message giver.
As we read through scripture we find about sixty prophets in the Old Testament. Many of those prophets have an entire book as with Isaiah who we read from in today’s first reading. Some are only found in other books.
In encountering the prophets, their journey typically begins with a word from God. In effect, God tells them He has noticed, or taken account of something, and He directs them to spread a message He will give them.
In a bunch of cases, these prophets were taken aback at God’s request. We can echo their words: ‘Who am I?’ ‘How can I?’ ‘I do not have the ability!’ and so on. We all might answer in the same way – and perhaps we still do. We should work on that.
If we look a little deeper, we will find an echo in those words of choice and sending, the echo of God’s direction to His Son Jesus. We hear that same echo in the words the prophets speak, because they are also reflected in the words Jesus speaks to us.
Today, Isaiah speaks of an urgency, to speak out, to not be silent. For the sake of God’s people proclamation must occur.
This is resounded in Jesus’ miracle at Cana. By His mother Mary’s direction, those who would serve, both the house servants and the disciples, are to listen to Jesus’ words and act on them: “Do whatever he tells you.”
In the hymn we will sing today at the conclusion of Holy Mass, ‘Go Tell It On The Mountain’ we hear: Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere.
The event at Cana provides us with that imperative – to tell what we see, hear, and experience.
To our old responses God gives answer: ‘Who am I?’ You are my sons and daughters, baptized into My Kingdom. ‘How can I?’ Because you can do anything with My grace. ‘I do not have the ability!’ Yes, you do because I created you, and each day I make you able.
As the disciples grew in confidence at Cana, let us do so as well. Let us take every opportunity in confidence to bring those we encounter to the wine of eternal life.
Jesus fulfills the directions to, and the words given to, the prophets. So must we fulfill Jesus’ words in our lives and in our proclamation.