• 9/29 – Jeremiah 29:11 – Lord, in love You have provided me a future filled with hope, good, and promise. Help me to live in accord with Your plan for me.
  • 9/30 – John 16:33 – Lord Jesus, through Your suffering, death, and resurrection You have overcome the ways of the world and have given me more than the world can promise. Help me to keep my eyes on the future You have given me.
  • 10/1 – Psalm 138:8 – Lord, You are my sole hope. Protect me from all evil.
  • 10/2 – Jeremiah 17:10 – Lord, I stand before You sinful, accused by my failings. Grant me the grace of Your forgiveness. Help me to do better in Your eyes each day.
  • 10/3 – Psalm 37:37 – Lord, in Your mercy grant me a peaceful heart and mind. Assist me in setting aside the anxieties of today. Help me to live in the promise of Your life.
  • 10/4 – Romans 8:28 – Lord, thank you for calling me to faith in You. Help me to love You more and more each day.
  • 10/5 – Ephesians 2:8-9 – Lord, all that is good comes from You. Protect me from pride.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to live in Your way and realize the destiny You have called me to.