• 1/6 – Luke 1:1-4 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may follow all things concerning You closely, and share the joy that knowledge of You brings.
  • 1/7 – 2 Samuel 22:29 – God, You gave us Your only Son to be our light. You have lifted the veil of darkness from our lives. Grant that I may continue to share the light You have given me and dispel darkness wherever it might be found.
  • 1/8 – Job 33:28 – Lord, in times of trouble You rescue Your faithful. Grant that I may be counted among Your faithful. Grant too that when I fall short of Your love, I return to You, confident of Your mercy.
  • 1/9 – Psalm 18:28 – Lord, grant that I may not count intellectual knowledge of You as sufficient, but rather that I seek Your light so that it fill the entirety of my being.
  • 1/10 – John 1:4 – Lord Jesus, from eternity You have been light and life. Grant that I never forsake Your light and Your gift of life.
  • 1/11 – Isaiah 60:19 – Lord, all things will pass away, even the sun and moon. Grant that I may be found among Your children, living in Your eternal light.
  • 1/12 – Romans 13:12 – Lord Jesus, help me in my weakness. Grant me Your grace so that I might repent of my sin, reform my life, and live in Your light.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that the light of Your star shine in my life. Help me to lead many to Your light.