• 12/16 – James 1:2-4 – Lord Jesus, when I feel tested and set upon, grant me the grace to stand strong in faith and to grow in perfection.
  • 12/17 – 1 Peter 1:6-9 – Lord Jesus, when suffering takes hold of me, grant me the grace to show the hope I have in You; to see beyond today to Your eternal promise.
  • 12/18 – John 15:11 – Lord Jesus, before You suffered You taught Your disciples so that they might have joy. When beset by trials, grant that I may rely on the joy You provide through Your word.
  • 12/19 – Acts 13:52 – Holy Spirit, You live in me and understand all my groanings. Hear my pleas and bring me healing. Fill me with joy once again.
  • 12/20 – Hebrews 12:2 – Lord Jesus, I follow in Your way. Strengthen me to face my crosses and to own the joy that You have set before me.
  • 12/21 – 2 Corinthians 8:2-3 – Lord Jesus, increase my spirit of charity, not looking to my sufferings but to bringing healing and comfort to my brothers and sisters.
  • 12/22 – 1 Thessalonians 1:6 – Lord Jesus, grant me the foresight to understand that no suffering, trial, or persecution is too great to stand between us. Never let me be separated from You.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may find You in the midst of trouble and rejoice in Your healing.