• 10/21 – Matthew 2:6 – Lord, You came among us in the midst of the most humble of cities. Your Father raised this meek place to be the birthplace of the Lord of Heaven and earth. Grant that I may not consider appearance or stature, but rather find Your image in all people and places.
  • 10/22 – Mark 5:22 – Lord Jesus, Jarius fell at Your feet to implore Your help and healing. Grant me the same humility.
  • 10/23 – Luke 1:52 – Father, You do not regard estate or power, for no person can compare to You. Grant that I may not seek worldly power and prestige, but rather humility and meekness, counting on Your promise alone.
  • 10/24 – Romans 8:38 – Lord Jesus, the world is filled with obstacles which appeal to our fears. Grant that I may always remember that nothing can overcome Your love for me.
  • 10/25 – 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 – Lord, the leaders of the world count on the world. They seek only to protect their power and position. Grant that I may live in the world as a reflection of Your light in serving others; as a messenger of Your gospel to all people.
  • 10/26 – Ephesians 3:10 – Lord Jesus, Your apostle Paul was imprisoned for the faith, yet continued to bear witness to the rulers and leaders of the age. Grant me the courage to serve Your people and teach them faith in You regardless of obstacles.
  • 10/27 – Judges 5:3 – Father, You fill our hearts with joy and song. Grant that Your joy may show through us as we touch the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may not choose to rule, but rather to serve You and Your people.