• 4/1 – John 12:12-19 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in the triumphal entry.
  • 4/2 – John 13 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in a heart-wrenching scene.
  • 4/3 – John 14-16 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in His final words to the disciples.
  • 4/4 – John 17 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in a final word to His Father.
  • 4/5 – John 18-19:15 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in His arrest and trial.
  • 4/6 – John 19:16-37 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in His crucifixion, death, and burial.
  • 4/7 – John 20-21 – Fulfilling what He and the prophets said would happen in the Resurrection.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that my reflection this week may awaken gratitude in my heart.