• 6/26 – Numbers 35 – When have I played the role of avenger in my dealings with others? Prayer starter: Lord of justice and mercy, you alone are the final judge between the innocent and the guilty. In your compassion, forgive us our trespasses.
  • 6/27 – Numbers 27:12-23 – Am I Willing to sacrifice my interests for the sake of the common good? Prayer starter: Holy God, you invest your church with authority, charisma, and every spiritual gift necessary to fulfill its earthly mission. Help us to be the holy people of a holy God.
  • 6/28 – Numbers 27:1-11 and Numbers 36:1-12 – Which aspects of my identity were given to me and which did I forge for myself? Prayer starter: Loving God, you did not create a race of robots to serve you, but free beings made in your likeness and capable of choice. Teach us to use our freedom wisely.
  • 6/29 – Numbers 28-29 – How do I acknowledge daily, and seasonally, the sacred character of time? Prayer starter: Ever-living God, your Son Jesus entered into time and history to open for us the gates of eternity. We praise you for your great and generous love.
  • 6/30 – Numbers 30 – Under what circumstances are vows necessary or useful? harmful? Prayer starter: Almighty God, all authority belongs to you on earth as in heaven. Strengthen us to live up to our promises commitments and obligations.
  • 7/1 – Numbers 31 – How do I see God: angry and punishing, merciful and loving, or all of the above? Prayer starter: In your justice, Lord your will cannot be denied. Help us to conform to your will day by day.
  • 7/2 – Numbers 33-34 – How does my past shape my present? How can my decisions today shape the future? Prayer starter: You created us little less than gods, O Lord, endowing us with the freedom to choose. Help us to repent the wrong in our pasts and create a better future.