• 6/5 – Numbers 9:1-23 and Numbers 10:1-10 – How do I discern when God wants me to change, or to remain as I am? Prayer starter: Generous God, you send your people priests, prophets, and kings to lead them in every generation. Give us the wisdom to choose and to follow good leaders.
  • 6/6 – Numbers 10:11-36 – How might chaos be a threat to the integrity of Iife? Prayer starter: Loving God, you provide the songs that dictate when it’s time to grow, change, and choose a new direction. May your Holy Spirit provide us with the wisdom to see and the courage to act.
  • 6/7 – Numbers 11 – When has a poor attitude affected my ability to be grateful? Prayer starter: Gracious God, you are the only source of true freedom. Keep us from settling for security at the cost of genuine liberty.
  • 6/8 – Numbers 12 – Have I resented the success of a family member or peer? Prayer starter: In infinite variety your created me, O Lord, not making one the same as another. Help us to respect and defend the gifts of each unique person.
  • 6/9 – Numbers 13:1-33 and Numbers 14:1-10 – When has fear robbed me of my trust in God? Prayer starter: You are a God worthy of absolute trust and confidence, for you have proven your love throughout salvation history. Free us from every fear that haunts our generation.
  • 6/10 – Numbers 14:10-45 – When have you spoken damaging words that could not be taken back? Prayer starter: Lord of history and eternity, you give humanity the freedom to determine its fate. Teach us wisdom so that we may choose the path of life.
  • 6/11 – Numbers 15 – How do my actions and choices affect the lives of those around me? Prayer starter: Father, Son, and Spirit, yours is the perfect union of heart, mind, and will. Imbue your Church with the spirit of unity so that we may bear witness to your truth.