Many thanks and deep appreciation are extended to all who made last week’s “Basket Social” the great effort, great fellowship time, and great success it truly was!

We first must thank all those who began this effort even a year ago with the planning and deciding about the logistics. As the year progressed, anticipation grew in hope that this year’s effort would surpass that in 2010.

When the fist notice went out of the date, baskets started arriving. You just can’t say enough words describing the creativity, thought, and concern that went into each and every basket. Ninety-seven baskets, more than any other year, started appearing in the parish hall.

Programs got planned and typed and inventory was checked for an adequate supply. Requests went out to provide desserts for the menu that would grace the afternoon.

And let’s talk about the menu – usually about half the calls received in the parish office ask the same question, “Will there be Polish food?” The answer is resoundingly given in the affirmative; and the next words spoken are, “I can’t wait”.

Thanks much to Marianne for the countless hours of preparing the various foods that would be made available. It was great to see, if not baskets, then caches of Polish foods being taken from the hall. Thanks are also extended to the kitchen crew who fastidiously served our patrons.

Also, two lucky winners for the comfortable afghans knitted by Elizabeth Weglinski will stay warm through this chilly spring.

Thanks to Donna, the ticket sellers, the ticket pullers and the runners for keeping the afternoon moving along briskly; almost too briskly, for it’s over quite too fast. This year’s effort again raised the bar.

We also humbly acknowledge the large(st) crowd to come and share our fellowship. They are truly a blessing to our Parish and our community. May our Lord bless all of you for your time and generosity.

God gave us a great weather day and a great day of blessing. May you all take humble pride in what you have accomplished. God bless you all.