• 10/10 – Titus 1 – What difference has my allegiance to Christ made in how I behave? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, make me a living example of the transforming power of your grace. May I never bring discredit to what I believe by how I behave.
  • 10/11 – Titus 3 – Include yourself among the “our” and “us” in these verses, and ponder what God has done for you through Jesus. Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you are kindness and love of God come among us in human flesh. Thank you Lord, Jesus, for all you give me.
  • 10/12 – 1 Timothy 1:1-11 – What does “love from a pure heart” mean to me? How easily distracted from love am I? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, purge me of all that distracts me from living accorcdng to your word.
  • 10/13 – 1 Timothy 1:12-20 – Have I lost hope overcoming my habitual sins? Am I ever tempted to doubt that God loves me and invites me to eternal union with him? Prayer starter: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to overcome my sins and to take me to your Father.
  • 10/14 – 1 Timothy 2 – If I had to compose a short acclamation that summed up and proclaimed the most basic elements of my faith, what would I say? Prayer starter: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for ransoming us from sin and death by offering up your own life.
  • 10/15 – 1 Timothy 3:1-13 – Which of the qualities listed in today’s reading do I have? Which do I lack? How do the qualities I possess enable me to serve Christ and the Church? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, help me to live my ordinary life well, so that I will be prepared for anything extraordinary you ask of me.
  • 10/16 – 1 Timothy 3:14-16 and 1 Timothy 4:1-5 – Do I compartmentalize my life, setting aside certain times for God by banishing him from the rest of the day? Prayer starter: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all the good things of life that you allow me to enjoy. Thank you for sharing my humanity so that I might share your divinity. All you have given me is your promise of more.