• 2/28 – Genesis 29-31,33-35 – How have I seen the tragedy of one generation lead to the hope of another? Prayer starter: God, we know you are the lord of justice who will not fail to address the suffering of your lowly ones. Give courage and comfort especially to those who struggle to hold their families together.
  • 3/1 – Genesis 38 – When have I seen a law broken in order to fulfill the spirit of the law? Prayer starter: Lord, through your son Jesus you revealed that the law of love is bigger than all other laws and commands. Strengthen us to fight for the fulfillment of the great commandment.
  • 3/2 – Exodus 1 – How do I support the cause of life in a culture indifferent towards death? Prayer starter: Source of life, you care for every child near and far. Give us the courage and wisdom to reach across racial lines and national boundaries to care for each other.
  • 3/3 – Exodus 2-4 – What role, significant or insignificant, does ritual activity play in my life? Prayer starter: God of power and mystery, you hold the keys to death and life. Give us the wisdom to choose the way that leads to life, now and in the world to come.
  • 3/4 – Numbers 26:33 & Numbers 27:1-11 – Under what circumstances would I be willing to challenge a law? Prayer starter: God of righteousness, you hear the cry of the poor and will not let anyone be uncounted in the reign to come. Help us to raise our voices for the sake of the voiceless.
  • 3/5 – Joshua 2,6 – Have I ever felt conflicted in my allegiance to God and country? Prayer starter: You are the God of every race and nation, language and people. You are the Lord, and there is no other power to which we owe our highest allegiance.
  • 3/6 – Judges 4,5 – When has a new situation invited me to change the way I think — and act? Prayer starter: You are the God who makes all things new, and you invite us to share in a new creation. When we cling to the safety of familiar ways, give us the grace to let go.