Bible Study for the First Week of Christmas

  • 12/27 – 1 John 2:18-27 – What can strengthen my sense of belonging to my community and to Christ? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, I truly believe that you are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Come and bring reconciliation and peace to this world.
  • 12/28 – 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 – How can I take some time today to pray and recollect so that Christmas will take its deep spiritual meaning for me? Prayer starter: Glory to you, O God, in the highest, and may your love for humankind be celebrated everywhere on earth on this day.
  • 12/29 – 1 John 3:11-24 – How can I tell that my love is not a question of “Words or speech” but of “truth and action”? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, I want your love to abide in me and to rule over all of my dealings with others.
  • 12/30 – 1 John 4:1-21 – What does the statement “God is love” mean to me and how does it affect my way of looking at life and at people? Prayer starter: Lord God, we thank you for giving us messengers of your love like John. We pray to you for all those involved in the study, research, and teaching of theology.
  • 12/31 – 1 John 5:1-21 – After reading this first letter of John, what have I gained in my perception of God and in my understanding of faith? Prayer starter: We give you thanks, O Lord, for the gift of eternal life through your son, Jesus. Strengthen our faith in him, so that we can share in his victory over evil.
  • 1/1 – 2 John 1-13 – If I were to write a short note like John’s to express my own faith in Christ, what would be the key Words or phrases? Prayer starter: Help us, O Lord, to walk in your commandments and to find complete joy in the keeping of your word.
  • 1/2 – 3 John 1-15 – What can l do in my community to foster greater enthusiasm and to spread the Good News of Christ? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, may your joy abide in us and, through our lives, reach out to the world.

Thank you!

Sincere thanks and deep appreciation are extended to the parish family concerning the collection of items during the Advent season. The economic recession had not diminished your giving:

  • Thirty-one (31!!!) (2.5x the amount of last year) bags of food were donated and collected. These were taken to the Schenectady Inner City Ministry.
  • Twenty-two (22!!) (more than double of last year) pairs of mittens, gloves, and hats (mostly child size) were collected. These were taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.
  • Two (2!!!) blankets and two toys were collected. These were also taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.

There are many needy families in our area that are being blessed this holyday season. May God bless you for your kind concern and gracious generosity!!!

And too, with sincere and heartfelt recognition of offerings and God-given talent…

  • to all those who had stayed to prepare the parish church for the Nativity holydays; and to those preparing the hall for the “coÅ› do chÅ‚eba” and to Marilyn for providing the food with David and Rose Petrosky (Deborah’s parents) for providing the kielbasa for the after mass repast;
  • to our choir director/organist, Liz, for her work in preparing for the Nativity liturgies and for her invaluable help in preparing our parish youth for the musical part of their presentation in the Nativity production; for all the voices aiding our prayers to praise God’s gift, Jesus;
  • to the acolytes, veteran and novice, for their service in God’s House.
  • to our SOCL teachers and students providing the Christmas keepsake we have traditionally come to treasure; and
  • to all who have gathered to worship and praise the Father for sending to us His most precious Gift, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Christmas reflection

Wesołych Świąt, Bożego Narodzenia!
Happiness on the Feast of Christ’s Birth!

”In the fullness of time, God sent His son“. These words are found in Holy Scripture, announcing the change of earthly rule over to that of the Son of God. We shouldn’t miss this too fine of a point – “fullness of time” – as an indication of God’s plan unfolding for His creation.

Many arguments have arisen over the years – why then? Why in the latter years of a growing Roman Empire? Why at a time when social ills were in no way comparable to those we face today? Why not now?

Intriguing, no? If one would speculate on time itself, what would be a good time for God to appear on earth in human form? Would there be a better time in the future? If one could anticipate a better world, wouldn’t one be able to have a bit more faith in humanity? Wouldn’t there be time to correct some mistakes in preparation for a better time to come?

Do you see the beauty of the plan God devised and carried out in the manger in Bethlehem some two thousand+ years ago? You see, we have the possibility of a better future; we have the opportunity of correcting mistakes in anticipation of a better world. That’s why the plan of God sent His Son to us at a time that would make our day today more hopeful, more blessed, more with the chance to live a life worthy of the Gift.

God knew what He was doing in this plan. Time was of the essence. One could argue that the miracle of Bethlehem set the world on a path that would lead to the more perfect world God had in mind on the day(s) of creation. However, just as strong an argument could be made that all was just setting the stage for the world today!

Presumptuous? Perhaps, but what can one do with the reality of the presence of God on this world, in the form of a human baby, Who for us, in this present day, is the only source of true happiness, blessing, love and grace?

As we are united in prayer this Holy Season, may our families, our friends, celebrate our Messiah; His love shall remain forever. Believe that, and that will bring true “peace on earth“!

–Fr. Stan

Boże Narodzenie

Boże Narodzenie przynosi nam wiele wrażeń Niektórzy odczuwał w sercu niewytłumaczalne ciepło, nawet ci, którzy są sterani codziennym życiem. Dla innych jest brzmieniem kolęd, jest czasem spędzonym wśród rodziny i przyjaciół przy choince ze światłami i ozdobami. Inaczej przezywają to dzieci, które z szeroko otwartymi oczyma wyglądają przyłcia św. Mikołają. Dla nas pochodzenie polskiego to wigilia z opłatkiem i pasterka.

Tak, Boże Narodzenie oznacza to wszystko, albo i więcej. Wrażenia, które odczuwamy mogą nawet się różnią ze względu na nasze pochodzenie, ale są, Jeśli sięgniemy w przeszłość, wszystkie zawierają się w prawdzie ogłoszonej światu w dniu narodzenia Pana i Zbawiciela naszego Jezusa Chrystusa: “a na ziemi pokój ludziom dobrej woli.”

Boże Narodzenie jest także czasem dziÄ™kczynienia za to, za żyjemy w tym kraju. To może dla nas nie ma tak wielkiego znaczenia poniewaÅ‚ przyzwyczailiÅ›my siÄ™ do tego. To jest dar na który nie zasÅ‚ugujemy. ChcÄ…c bardziej zrozumieÅ‚ ten dar, zechciejmy siÄ™ zatrzymaÅ‚, aby sobie uÅ›wiadomiÅ‚, że nawet w tym dniu Bożego Narodzenia, sÄ… tacy na Å›wiecie, którzy dąża do zniszczenia ostatnich śładów: “Ludzi dobrej woli.”

W czasie narodzenia się Zbawcy w Betlejem, jednym z najbardziej potężnych władców rzymskich był cezarz August. Ewangelia przytacza, za “wyszło rozporządzenie. Cesarza Augusta, żeby przeprowadził spis ludności w całym pastwie.” Zgodnie z tym, Maryja i Józef zmuszeni byli odbył tą uciśliwa podróż do Betlejem, gdzie narodzi się Księże Pokoju przetrwała blisko dwa tysiące lat.

Kiedy klękamy przy stajence betlejemskiej, kiedy klęcząc przystole paskim pryzmujemy chleb anielski, niech nowo-narodzony Chrystus Zbawiciel zamieszka w sercach i duszach naszych. My wtedy staniemy się wierni jego wezwaniu miłości Boga i bliżnego.

Niech Dziecię Boże was i wasze rodziny błogosławi. Błogosławionych świąt Bożego Narodzenia.

+Ks. Stanisław

Christmas 2009/Święto Bożego Narodzenia 2009

Dearly Beloved In Christ,

How fortunate we are if we can as little children approach the Christmas holydays, only with this difference: Children look to Christmas as a time for receiving presents. We in turn should be mindful of the great gift almighty God has given us – His son, our Lord and Savior.

In this spirit may this holy season bring us abounding joy. May it make us grateful for the blessings of life and Christ’s sharing our hardships and tears. O how hard it would be without Him.

Let us join in worship and prayer in making this a glorious and blessed Christmas. Thank you, dear Friends, for sharing with us this happiness! May the Holy Infant richly bless you!

Yours in Christ,
The Administrator and Parish Committee

Wielce Umiłowane w Chrystusie,

Jacy szczęśliwi jesteÅ›my jeÅ›li możemy jak dzieci zbliżyć siÄ™ do Å›wiat Bożego Narodzenia, tylko z tÄ… różnicÄ… – dzieci cieszÄ… siÄ™ za Å›wiat, bo to czas kiedy otrzymajÄ… prezenty. ZaÅ› my powinniÅ›my być Å›wiadomi tego Daru, co Bóg WszechmogÄ…cy nam daÅ‚ – Syna Swego, Pana i Zbawiciela.

W tym duchu niech ten sezon przyniesie nam niesłychana radość. Niech uczyni nas wdzięcznymi za błogosławieństwa w życiu i ze Jezus dzieli się z nami w naszych trudnościach i łzach. O jak trudno byłoby bez Niego.

Przyłączmy się w nabożeństwie i modłach, aby to było wspaniale i błogosławione święto. Wyrażamy dzięki drodzy
Przyjaciele, za życzliwość okazany. Oby Ta Święta Dziecina pobłogosławiła wam obficie!

W Chrystusie oddani,
Ks. Adm. i Komitet Parafialny

Schedule of Services for Christmas

  • Thursday, December 24th, Vigil if the Lord’s Nativity: Pasterka/Shepherd’s Holy Mass at Midnight with a festive repast to follow.
  • Friday, December 25th, Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity: Holy Mass of the Solemnity at 10am. Festive repast to follow Holy Mass.
  • Sunday, December 27th, Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds, Holy Mass at 9:30am.

A joyous gathering

There aren’t enough words to express the gratitude and thanksgiving for last week’s presentation and gathering. Our young people took us on a world-wide tour of Christmas observances through word and music; and we were moved by their sharing.

Then we moved to the parish hall where we were greeted with a plethora of delectable dishes from many recipes. This was also very important for it kept a great tradition, and it brought us together for a brief, but nonetheless important time of mingling.

Thanks again to Deborah and Liz for the work in preparing our young people; to the parents for making sure that rehearsals were met and lines learned; and to the many hands that prepared the many dishes we all enjoyed.

May the Christ Child for whom we have given this honor bless you richly!!!

Bible Study for the Fourth Week of Advent

  • 12/20 – 1 John 2:18-27 – What can strengthen my sense of belonging to my community and to Christ? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, I truly believe that you are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Come and bring reconciliation and peace to this world.
  • 12/21 – 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 – How can I take some time today to pray and recollect so that Christmas will take its deep spiritual meaning for me? Prayer starter: Glory to you, O God, in the highest, and may your love for humankind be celebrated everywhere on earth on this day.
  • 12/22 – 1 John 3:11-24 – How can I tell that my love is not a question of “Words or speech” but of “truth and action”? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, I want your love to abide in me and to rule over all of my dealings with others.
  • 12/23 – 1 John 4:1-21 – What does the statement “God is love” mean to me and how does it affect my Way of looking at life and at people? Prayer starter: Lord God, we thank you for giving us messengers of your love like John. We pray to you for all those involved in the study, research, and teaching of theology.
  • 12/24 – 1 John 5:1-21 – After reading this first letter of John, what have I gained in my perception of God and in my understanding of faith? Prayer starter: We give you thanks, O Lord, for the gift of eternal life through your son, Jesus. Strengthen our faith in him, so that we can share in his victory over evil.
  • 12/25 – 2 John 1-13 – If I were to Write a short note like John’s to express my own faith in Christ, what would be the key words or phrases? Prayer starter: Help us, O Lord, to walk in your commandments and to find complete joy in the keeping of your word.
  • 12/26 – 3 John 1-15 – What can I do in my community to foster greater enthusiasm and to spread the Good News of Christ? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, may your joy abide in us and, through our lives, reach out to the world.

Bible Study for the Third Week of Advent

  • 12/13 – 1 Peter 4:1-19 – What is my reaction to suffering, whether mine or that of people I know and love? Prayer starter: Lord, thy will be done, even when it involves suffering. Increase my love for you so that only good will come out of all I have to suffer in life.
  • 12/14 – 1 Peter 5:1-14 – What can I do to support and assist the leaders in my own community? Prayer starter: You are, O Lord, our Shepherd who cares for each one of us. Support and strengthen those who have been appointed to tend your flock.
  • 12/15 – 2 Peter 1:1-21 – Are we acting as people who have been set free? Prayer starter: We thank you, O Lord, for calling us to be part of your kingdom and for fulfilling all your promises through the life and death of our Savior Jesus Christ.
  • 12/16 – 2 Peter 2:1-22 – What are my criteria for discerning between true and false prophets? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you came not to judge, but to save the world. Help us to discem your call to mercy and salvation through the prophets and apostles you send to us.
  • 12/17 – 2 Peter 3:1-16 – What is my visions of the end of time? Are my hopes greater than my apprehensions? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you are the Alpha and the Omega. We praise you and we thank you for being with us always till the end of time.
  • 12/18 – 1 John 1:1-10 – How can we say that we believe in a God who “is light”? Prayer starter: O God, we thank you for letting your light shine through your creation, and for illuminating our lives through the words and deeds of your beloved son, Jesus.
  • 12/19 – 1 John 2:1-17 – How is my knowledge or experience of God reflected in my daily life? Prayer starter: We cannot see you or touch you, O Lord, but we know you from what you have done in creation and through history, and we praise you for being a God of love and mercy.

Bible Study for the Second Week of Advent

  • 12/6 – James 5:7-20 – Do l allow my prayer to God to express my doubts and my questions about my own suffering or the suffering of my dearest ones? Prayer starter: Give us, O Lord Jesus, enduring and joyful hope even in the midst of suffering and hardships.
  • 12/7 – 1 Peter 1:1-12 – How do I look at the future? With anxiety and fear or with a deep sense of hope? Prayer starter: Blessed are you, O Lord, for the unfading hope your Son has gained for us in his resurrection from the dead.
  • 12/8 – 1 Peter 1:13-25 – How can the reading of the Old Testament help us understand our call to rebirth and holiness? Prayer starter: Your word, O Lord, is our greatest source of hope. Help us keep this hope alive through our love for you and for our neighbor.
  • 12/9 – 1 Peter 2:1-10 – How can I build up my life into a spiritual home? Prayer starter: We praise you and thank you, O Lord, for calling us to be your people and for building us into a spiritual home where you and your Son may abide.
  • 12/10 – 1 Peter 2:11-25 – What do I consider today as being the most serious threat to freedom? Prayer starter: Lord, you want us to live as free people. Deliver us from any evil that keeps us away hom the freedom your Son has gained for us.
  • 12/11 – 1 Peter 3:1-12 – How does Scripture help me to overcome prejudices and discrimination against people on the basis of sex, race, or culture? Prayer starter: Lord of life, deliver us from our prejudices and help us to seek peace and harmony in our human relationships.
  • 12/12 – 1 Peter 3:13-22 – How can I account for my faith and my hope to people I know who suffer from chronic illness or deadly sickness? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you have taken upon you all our human suffering. You have healed the sick. Help us to be compassionate and give relief to people who suffer in their bodies and their souls.